Global Device Tracking

With global device tracking, you can apply tracking and exclusion rules to all devices in a view. This feature is particularly beneficial for views containing many devices.

To enable global device tracking:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 3 in Starting a View from the Starting a Live View Session section.
  2. Select the Control Panel icon.

    Select the Control Panel icon

  3. Select the global Edit Tracking Filter icon.

    Select the global tracking icon

    The Tracking Style panel displays.

    The Tracking Style panel

    Warning: Any previously applied individual tracking configurations are overridden by a global tracking configuration. If you have tracking configured for individual devices, the following warning message displays.

    Warning, global tracking overrides individual tracking

  4. Select one of the following tracking styles: Automatic, Heat, or Spot. Select Off to turn tracking off.

    See the following sections for details on configuring each tracking type.

  5. All devices in the view are now tracked using the global Edit Tracking Filter you configured in step 3. The global Edit Tracking Filter icon (see red box) is now orange. Select it to edit the global tracking settings. The Track device icons for each of the individual devices (see blue box) is orange and you cannot select or edit it.

    Global tracking enabled

Note: After selecting Save in the Tracking Style panel, you must select Apply in the Control Panel for your changes to take effect.
Note: When global device tracking is enabled, you cannot change the tracking of individual devices. To edit the global device tracking configuration, select the global Edit Tracking Filter icon.
Note: When global device tracking is enabled, a two-hour buffer of previous tracking data for each device is available. You can adjust the buffer in the Tracking Time Period section of the Tracking Style panel.

The Tracking Time Period section of the Tracking Style panel

Configuring Global Exclusions

Use global exclusions to exclude devices in a view based on the device having a topic value in a particular range. Remove devices when you no longer want to track them or to reduce clutter.

To globally exclude devices from the view:

  1. Select the global Edit Exclusion Filters icon associated with the device.

    Select the global Edit Exclusion Filters icon

    The Edit Exclusion Filters panel displays.

  2. In the Edit Exclusion Filters panel, select the Add Filter icon.

    Select the Add Filter icon

    The Add Filter Wizard panel displays.

  3. In the Add Filter Wizard panel, select a topic.

    Select a topic

  4. Select Next. The Add Filter Wizard panel expands to include a list of colors associated with the selected topic.

    Exclude by topic and color

    Select one or more colors for the selected topic to exclude the device. When the device's topic turns the color of any of the selected colors, the device is removed from the view.
  5. Select Save. The Edit Exclusion Filters panel displays, showing the selected topic and selected colors to use to exclude the device.

    The selected exclusion topic and colors

  6. You can add more filters by performing steps 2 through 5 until you have used all available topics.

    Multiple exclusion filters

    Select Save and, in the Control Panel, select Apply for your changes to take effect.

    Note: You can edit or delete the exclusion filters by selecting the Edit or Delete icons in the Edit Exclusion Filters panel.