Configuring Role Management for Business App Components

About this task

You can selectively configure app components to make them visible or not visible to different device users or device user groups. The Access Management feature enables you to create apps that have different components visible for different users based on the user's granted permissions. The Access Management feature applies to all App Components:
  • Form
  • Workflow
  • Page
  • Webpage
  • Hamburger Menu (specifically, each hamburger menu item)
  • AI Form Builder
App components can be configured to be public or private. In the case of hamburger menu items, enable or disable the need for authentication.
  • Public app components and hamburger menu items not needing authentication are visible to all device users.
    • Hamburger menu items needing authentication are visible to all authenticated device users.
  • Private components and hamburger menu items needing authentication with at least one assigned role are only visible to device users with the appropriately granted permissions.
You can control which users can access specific app components by configuring device access roles for device users or device user groups. Also, you can combine multiple app component permissions. Use the following steps to configure the app component permissions:
  1. Initialize a New App Component
  2. Configure the App Component's Visibility
  3. (Optional) Create/Modify the Role(s) That Can Access the App Component
  4. Toggle the Roles That Can Access the App Component

Step 1: Initialize a New App Component

Before you begin

You can configure multiple app components. You must later configure each of the app component's visibility. Then depending on the visibility, you must customize the roles that have visibility to the component.


  1. Add a new app component.
  2. Once you add an app component, you can see a menu for the Access Management feature.
    App Component Procedure
    • Form
    • Workflow
    • Page
    • Webpage
    • AI Form Builder
    Note: When you create a new app component, it is initially by default Private (see Step 2 for more details) with an Admin role assigned to it. This means only device users with an Admin role have visibility to the app component (see Step 3 for more details).
    Access Management within a App Component (Form, Workflow, Page, Webpage)'s Properties panel.
    • The Tag field autopopulates with the app component's Name field. You may change this value without automatically changing the Name field. This value helps you identify this app component in Step 2.
    • The Roles field autopopulates with Admin. This field's value determines the roles (its device users and device user groups) that has visibility to this app component. For more details (such as adding other roles), see Step 3.
    • Select the icon to access Device Access's Access Management panel. For more details, see Step 2.
    Hamburger Menu
    1. Under the Settings section, select Menu Item Settings within a App Component (Hamburger)'s Properties panel.
    2. Select the + icon as many times as you like to add as many hamburger menu items as desired.
      Remember: By default, when you add a new menu item, the menu item has Authentication disabled (see more details in Step 2). This means all your device users has visibility of the menu item.

Step 2: Configure the App Component's Visibility

About this task

Set up the app component's visibility. Depending on the visibility you set, you may need to create a new role.
App Component Procedure
  • Form
  • Workflow
  • Page
  • Webpage
  • AI Form Builder

See Configuring Access Management (Device Access) For Business Apps Components for details on how to configure the app's access type.

  • If you configured the app's access type as Public for this app component, then it is visible to all device users. The app component's configuration is complete.
  • If you configured the app's access type as Private for this app component, then the app component is selectively visible to certain roles. Proceed to the next step.
Hamburger Menu Hamburger Menu's Properties panel: Selecting Menu Item Access Control icon.
  1. For the hamburger Menu Properties' Setting section's Access Control subsection, select the icon to access the Menu Item Access Control panel. Menu Item Access Control Subpanel from within Hamburger Menu Properties Panel
  2. In the Menu Item Access Control panel, you can toggle Authentication for each item.
    • If you toggle Authentication off, then the menu item is visible for all device users, and the menu item's configuration is complete.
    • If you toggle Authentication on, and you did not enable any roles using Assign Roles, then the menu item is visible to all device users that are successfully authenticated to the SOTI Snap Device Agent. To make the menu item selectively visible to certain roles, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: (Optional) Create/Modify the Role(s) That Can Access the App Component

About this task

In this optional step, you can create or edit an existing role specifically tailored to access the app component you just created. See Creating a New Role for more information.

If you skip this step, you can only assign or unassign the default Admin role.

Step 4: Toggle the Roles That Can Access the App Component

About this task

Complete the app component customization by assigning all the roles that has visibility to the app component.
App Component Procedure
  • Form
  • Workflow
  • Page
  • Webpage
  • AI Form Builder

See Configuring Access Management (Device Access) For Business Apps Components for details on how to configure the private app component's roles.

Hamburger Menu For a hamburger menu item that has Authentication enabled, select Assign Role to toggle all the roles that have selective visibility. If you assign at least one role, then the hamburger menu item becomes only selectively visible to authenticated device users with the assigned roles.