Configuring Approvals

As much as you design your workflow to suit your organization's processes, you should also develop Approvals to match your company's terms and references. SOTI Snap lets you control what the user sees when interacting with the Approvals List Properties and the Approvals Detail Properties. The following sections list the properties you can configure. For information about how to use Approvals, see Managing Approvals.

Approvals List Properties

The Approvals List Properties displays requests relevant to the approver, including pending, approved, rejected, or sent-back requests. The following video shows how to modify the Approvals List Properties visual elements to match your workflow.

The following table lists all the configurables for the Approvals List Properties. Review updates on the Canvas as you make changes.

Group Property Description
General ID Assign a unique identifier value to the widget used to refer to it in the script.
Name Accept the default or set a custom name for the Approvals List Properties page.
Page Title Set the page title for viewing the request list. Options are:
  • Same as form name
  • Same as app name
  • Custom name (specified in the Display Text property)
Display Text This property is visible when you set Page Title to Custom name. Set a custom page title for viewing the request list.
Field Settings Select Form Fields To Display Use the Add Fields button to select all, some, or no form fields to show in the request list.
Filter & Sorting Filter
  • Reset—Use to reset the Title and Configure Filter Text properties to their default values.
  • Title—Accept the default or set a custom title for the Filter pop-up.
  • Configure Filter Text—Select the method used to filter Approvals content. Accept the defaults or set the text of each filter as required. Use the property handles to drag each filter into the desired order.
  • Reset—Use to reset the Title and Configure Sorting Text properties to their default values.
  • Title—Accept the default or set a custom title for the Sorting pop-up.
  • Configure Sorting Text—Select the default method used to sort Approvals content. Accept the defaults or set the text of each sorting method as required. Use the property handles to drag each sorting method into the desired order.

Approvals Detail Properties

The Approvals Detail Properties interacts with details of the request. The following video shows how you can modify the visible elements of Approvals Detail Properties to match your workflow.

The following table lists all the configurables for Approvals Detail Properties. Review updates on the Canvas as you make changes.

Group Property Description
General ID Assign a unique identifier value to the widget used to refer to it in the script.
Name Accept the default or set a custom name for the Approvals Detail Properties page.
Page Title Set the page title for viewing the request details. Options are:
  • Same as form name
  • Same as app name
  • Custom name (specified in the Display Text property)
Display Text This property is visible when you set Page Title to Custom name. Set a custom page title for viewing the request details.
Workflow Key Label Accept the default or set the label for the workflow record key.
'Submitted On' Label Accept the default or set the label for the submission date.
'Submitted By' Label Accept the default or set the label for the submitter's name.
Content Settings Fields

Fields button

Use the Select Form Fields To Display button to choose fields from your forms to include in the Inbox request details. Use the property handles to drag each field item into the desired order.

Edit button

  • Reset—Use to reset the Edit Action Button Text property to its default value.
  • Edit Action Button Text —Accept the default or set a custom caption for the button.
  • On Click Of Edit Navigate To—Set a destination page or submit the request when the user selects Edit.

Approve button

  • Reset—Use to reset all properties in the Configure Approve Labels section to their default values.
  • The following properties set text values for their respective buttons, headers, text boxes, and labels:
    • Approve Action Button Text
    • Dialog Header
    • Dialog Confirm Message
    • Dialog Comments Header
    • Dialog Confirm Button Label
    • Dialog Cancel Button Label

Reject button

  • Reset—Use to reset all properties in the Configure Reject Labels section to their default values.
  • The following properties set text values for their respective buttons, headers, text boxes, and labels:
    • Reject Action Button Text
    • Dialog Header
    • Dialog Confirm Message
    • Dialog Comments Header
    • Dialog Confirm Button Label
    • Dialog Cancel Button Label
Send Back

Send Back button

  • Reset—Use to reset all properties in the Configure Send Back Labels section to their default values.
  • The following properties set text values for their respective buttons, headers, text boxes, and labels:
    • Send Back Action Button Text
    • Dialog Header
    • Dialog Confirm Message
    • Dialog Comments Header
    • Dialog Confirm Button Label
    • Dialog Cancel Button Label
  • Set Status After Sending Back—Select a status when an approver returns a request to the submitter.
  • Status Settings—Review and update the available status options as required.