Configuring Access Management (Device Access) For Business Apps Components

For business apps, each app component can be selectively configured to be visible for all device users or only for certain roles (specific device users or device user groups). You can access this configuration by selecting Manage Access on a business app (from the Apps > My Apps tab). Alternatively, you can also access this configuration from the Properties' Access Management section of the app component and selecting the icon.

About this task

Remember: In the diagram below, app components are referred to as App Elements.
Device Access > Access Management
Important: When you change the Access Type or Role of an app component, it is immediately reflected in the device's SOTI Snap Device Agent.


  1. For an app component, select either Make Public or Make Private to set its visibility.
    • Select Make Public to configure this app component to be visible to all device users.
    • Select Make Private to configure this app component to be visible to only certain roles (specific device users or device user groups). See Managing Role Administration (Device Access) for Business Apps for more information.
  2. For a Private app component, toggle the Roles that you want to give visibility to.
    Restriction: An app component must have at least one role that has visibility to it.
  3. Select All, Private, or Public to filter for app components.