Checking Device Compliance

Before you begin

  • You must sign in to the SOTI Connect web console as an administrator with Modify Rules permission.

About this task

Compliance policy rules run at various times (see Compliance Rules). You can check the compliance status of a device in the Devices view. In Setting up a Compliance Policy, a compliance policy was created to categorize devices as non-compliant if the devices are in yellow or red state. In this section, the device state is manually changed to simulate a non-compliance status in those devices.

To check compliance status:


  1. From the main menu, select Devices.
  2. In the Devices view, select one of the devices from the compliance rule created in Setting up a Compliance Policy and then select Set State.
    Compliance rule check select device
  3. In the Set State pop-up panel, set State to yellow. Select Save
    Compliance rule set state yellow
  4. In the Devices view, the device displays Non-Compliant | Yellow.
    Compliance rule non-compliant
    Note: The Device State column serves two purposes. It shows the device state as green, yellow or red, and it also displays non-compliant status in addition to the state when a device is non-compliant.
  5. Select the Info icon to see the recent device state history.
    Compliance rule check4The Device State History panel displays.
    Compliance rule check history
  6. To view a comprehensive listing of the device state history, select the device.
    Compliance rule check comprehensive history
    Scroll to the bottom of the Device Details tab to view the Device State History panel.
    Compliance rule check history full


The compliance policy detects non-compliant devices.

What to do next

You can edit the compliance policy (see Editing a Compliance Policy), disable it (see Enabling and Disabling a Compliance Policy) or delete it (see Deleting a Compliance Policy).