Gridview Layout

You can improve navigation and user experience by selecting a Gridview layout for new pages and forms.

A Gridview layout divides the display space into up to three adjustable sections. Use a button or image widget's On Click event to control the content in each section.

Gridview options

The Gridview layout option delivers the following user benefits:
  • Ease of use—Applications feel more native as users explore the application seamlessly without leaving their starting point.
  • Enhanced navigation—Content loads dynamically based on user selections while the original navigation options remain.
  • Reduced clutter—Dividing the display space into sections better organizes the presentation of information. Users can focus on specific areas of interest without the distraction of excessive content or cluttered layouts.

For further layout customization, you can also incorporate Layout widgets. Unlike Gridview layouts, Layout widgets only offer customization options where the screen splits from left to right, not up to down.