Editing App Settings

About this task

This task helps you customize an app's global settings.


  1. In the Canvas, select the Project tab.
    Accessing an app's Project tab
  2. From the Project tab, select Settings to open the App Settings dialog.
    Accessing an app's App Settings
  3. Optional: In the Name field, change the name of your app. This is a Required field and you can not set it to empty.
    Accessing an app's App Settings: Options
  4. Optional: In the Icon field, hover over the app icon and select Edit to choose a new image to use as the app icon.
  5. Optional: In the Description field, change the description of your app.
  6. Optional: In the Theme field, select a new theme color for your app. Enable Override customized widgets to force widgets with custom colors and styling to use the new theme color.
  7. Optional: In the App Background field, change the app's background image by selecting Upload image for the app background. You can also change the background using Select background to pick from an existing collection of App Background.
  8. Select Update once you're satisfied with your changes.