Email: Exchange for Gmail

The Exchange for Gmail email configuration enables you to configure Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync settings for over-the-air synchronization of email. You perform this configuration when:


Account Name Specify Account Name or Description.
Username Enter the user name. Supports Macros. (%EnrolledUser_Upn%, %EnrolledUser_Domain%, %EnrolledUser_Username%, %Prompt%)
Hostname Enter the IP address or hostname for the Exchange Server.
Client Certificate Select the client certificate.
Note: Not applicable for AMAPI-enrolled devices.


Email Address Enter email address for the device. E.g., Supports Macros. (%EnrolledUser_Email%, %Prompt%)
Signature Enter a string to be used as the signature of the sender.
SSL Required Enables and requires SSL on port numbers used with Hostname. (This setting is ignored when port 443 is used in Hostname).
Accept All Certificates Choose whether to accept all certificates sent by server.
Default Sync Window A value representing the time window for syncing with EAS (Exhange ActiveSync).