Configuring the Browser Proxy Payload (Android Enterprise)

The Browser Proxy configuration for Android Enterprise profiles enables you to specify how the Google Chrome browser connects to the internet. When enabled, the browser routes all traffic through the specified proxy address.

Note: Only devices running Android OS 6 or later support this payload.

You perform this configuration when:

In the Browser Proxy dialog box, choose a Browser Proxy Type, then specify its settings.

Allow User to Configure

Select Allow User to Configureto enable the device user to manage the proxy settings within the web browser.

Disable Proxy

Select Disable Proxy to disable proxy settings. The web browser always establishes a direct connection to the Internet without passing through a proxy server. The user can not change this setting.

Enable Proxy

Select Enable Proxy to enable proxy settings. The web browser routes all traffic through the proxy specified in the Proxy Address field and (optionally) the Port field.

  • Proxy Address: The server address for the proxy server you want to use. (For example:
  • Port: The port number for the proxy server you want to use. (For example: 80.)
    Note: Until you specify a proxy address, this option is unavailable.
  • Add Exceptions: The list of URLs you want to bypass the proxy configuration. Select Add to add a URL to the list.
Auto-Detect Proxy

Select Auto-Detect Proxy to use the JavaScript function in a Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) file to identify which proxy server to use for each user request. URLs added to the Add Exceptions list bypass the proxy configuration. Enter the URL to the PAC file you want to use. The user can not change this setting.