Data Usage Dashboard

The Data Usage dashboard displays information about the type and amount of data used by selected devices.

To open the Data Usage dashboard, select Main Menu button SOTI XSight Main Menu > Operational Intelligence. Select Data Usage from the dashboard list.

App Usage dashboard selection

The Data Usage dashboard charts show information such as data usage of top apps, data usage of top browsers, and total data usage for a selected period. The bottom of the dashboard lists all devices in the chosen analysis profile. Selecting a segment or column in a chart refines the list. Selecting any of the devices in the list opens the Device Spotlight view, displaying the operational details of the selected device. App Usage Dashboard

Connection Type


This chart shows a breakdown of different Connection types the device connects to.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to identify data Usage of devices based on whether the device connects via Cellular, Ethernet or Wi-Fi.


SOTI XSight identifies the amount of data transferred by devices on different connection types.



This chart shows a breakdown based on total data uploaded versus total data downloaded across the devices.

How to use this chart

View data usage of devices based on data uploaded/downloaded.


SOTI XSight identifies data usage based on the nature of data transaction.

Note: Apps that are not allowed in SOTI XSight Administration Utility are not displayed in the chart, but their data usage is calculated in the total data usage calculation.

Top X Apps Data Usage


View the breakdown of top apps based on the data usage.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to identify apps that use the most data in the specified time interval.


SOTI XSight identifies which apps use the most data.


Dashboard users can change how many top Android apps to display. Changes to this dashboard are specific to the user and are not applied globally for all users.

Note: Apps not allowed in SOTI XSight Administration Utility are not displayed in the chart but their data usage is calculated in the total data usage,

Top X Browser Data Usage


This chart shows a breakdown of top browser apps based on the data usage.

How to use this chart

View the browser apps that use the most data in the specified time interval.


SOTI XSight identifies which browser apps use the most data.


Dashboard users can change how many top Android apps to display. Changes to this dashboard are specific to the user and are not applied globally for all users.

Note: Browser apps are also a part in the Top X app data usage chart. Apps that are not allowed in SOTI Administration Utility are not displayed in the chart, but their data usage is calculated in the total data usage.