Charts Common to all Device Analysis Dashboards

This section contains information that applies to all device analysis dashboards.

Note: When selecting a specific metric on the chart, all other charts filter based on devices that correspond to the specified metric.

Top X Manufacturers Chart

Top X Manufacturers Chart


This chart shows the breakdown of manufacturers of devices that have reported data to SOTI XSight.

How to use this chart

View the device battery health and performance for the dominant manufacturers in your device estate.


Each segment shows the percentage of devices by manufacturer based on the Top X manufacturers.


Dashboard users can change how many top manufacturers show on the chart. Changes to this dashboard are specific to the user and are not applied globally for all users.

Top X Models Chart

Top X Models Chart


This chart shows the breakdown of models of devices that have reported data to SOTI XSight.

How to use this chart

View the device battery health and performance for the dominant models in your device estate.


Each segment shows the percentage of devices by models based on the Top X models.


Dashboard users can change how many top models show on the chart. Changes to this dashboard are specific to the user and are not applied globally for all users.

Top X OS Versions Chart

Top X OS Versions Chart


This chart shows the breakdown of OS versions of devices that have reported data to SOTI XSight.

How to use this chart

View the device battery health and performance for the dominant Android OS versions in your device estate.


Each segment shows the percentage of devices by Android OS versions based on the Top X OS versions.


Dashboard users can change how many top Android OS versions to show on the chart. Changes to this dashboard are specific to the user and are not applied globally for all users.