Using the SOTI XSight Administration Utility

Use the SOTI XSight Administration Utility to perform administrative tasks for SOTI XSight.

Tip: You can start the SOTI XSight Administration Utility from the Windows Start menu.
Administrative Task Description
System Health Check the state of SOTI XSight services.
Services Status Check the status of SOTI XSight services on the local machine. You can also start or stop services.
SOTI XSight Display Service Port Set the port the SOTI XSight Display Service, Web Console and SOTI XSight Tunnel Service listen on for incoming HTTPS requests.
SOTI XSight Display Service Keys Manage the RSA keys that SOTI XSight uses to encrypt sensitive data and sign authentication tokens.
Display Service and Web Console Certificates Configure the certificate the SOTI XSight Display Service and Web Console uses.
Refresh Remote Control Certificate Refresh the SOTI XSight Remote Control certificate.
Database Configure the SOTI XSight database settings.
SOTI XSight Agent Service Port Set the port the SOTI XSight Agent Service listens on for incoming HTTPS requests.
SOTI XSight Agent Service Certificate Manage the SOTI XSight Agent Service certificate.
Chat Service Configure the SOTI XSight Chat Service.
Logs View logs and set logging levels for SOTI XSight.