Display Service

Configure the SOTI XSight Display Service and test its status from the Display Service page in the SOTI XSight Administration utility. From this page, you can:

  • Set the port the SOTI XSight Display Service, Web Console and SOTI XSight Tunnel Service listen on for incoming HTTPS requests.
  • Manage the RSA keys that SOTI XSight uses to encrypt sensitive data and sign authentication tokens.
  • Configure the certificate the SOTI XSight Display Service and Web Console uses.
  • Refresh the SOTI XSight Remote Control certificate.
  • Configure the SOTI XSight database settings.

SOTI XSight Display Service Port

Admin Utility Display Service Port

Use the Ports section to set the port that the SOTI XSight service and console uses to listen for incoming HTTPS requests.

Select the Test Now button to test the SOTI XSight database connection with the provided settings.

SOTI XSight Display Service Keys

Admin Utility Display Service Keys

Use the Keys section to manage the RSA keys that SOTI XSight uses to encrypt sensitive data and sign authentication tokens.

Option Description
Generate New Keys Select to generate new RSA keys. Any existing data is re-encrypted as part of the key generation process.
Force Generate Select to force key generation, even if SOTI XSight cannot decrypt existing data with its current keys.
Note: Enabling this option may cause data loss. If SOTI XSight cannot decrypt your existing data with the old keys, you lose access to that data and existing hosts lose access to SOTI XSight.
Test Now Select to test the RSA keys.
See related topics:


Admin Utility Display Service Certificates

Manage certificates used by the SOTI XSight Display Service and Web Console for HTTPS communication.

Note: You can bind only one certificate to a port. To specify a certificate for SOTI XSight only (not shared with SOTI MobiControl), do one of the following:
  • Change the port number for the SOTI XSight Display Service Port before you select a SOTI XSight-specific certificate on this page.
  • Install SOTI XSight on a machine other than SOTI MobiControl.
Option Description
View Details View the certificate details.
Test Now Test the certificate.
Refresh Refresh the SOTI XSight Remote Control certificate.

Change the certificate.

Note: The Change button is disabled when SOTI MobiControl is installed on the same host, using the same default display service HTTP port (443). To enable the Change button, set the SOTI XSight display service HTTP port to a different port (for example 444), and apply the change.

Refresh Remote Control Certificate

You must refresh the SOTI XSight Remote Control certificate after updating the SOTI MobiControl root certificate or the SOTI MobiControl Deployment Server Extensions and Web Console certificate.


Admin Utility Display Service Database

In the Database section you can configure the SOTI XSight database settings.

Option Description
Server Name The name of the server that hosts the SOTI XSight database.
Connect Using Select either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication.
User Name The username for the account that SOTI XSight uses to access the server. The account must have read/write permissions.
Password The password for the account that SOTI XSight uses to access the server.
Database Prefix Optional: Enter an identifying prefix for the default database name or names. The prefix enables you to have multiple SOTI XSight instances using a single instance of SQL Server.
Test Now Check the connection between SOTI XSight and the database server. The corresponding icons turn green for "success" or red for "failure."