Enroll Devices with Email

Before you begin

Create device groups to organize your enrolled devices.

About this task

To enroll devices using email addresses:


  1. Open the Devices tab and select Enroll > Using Email.
  2. Enter the device user's email address.
  3. Provide a device name prefix.
    This prefix determines how the enrolled device is labeled in the Device Manager view after it's enrolled.
  4. Select a group from the Group Name dropdown list to specify to which the device will be added.
    If you haven't created any groups yet or just want to create a new group, you can create a new group now.
    1. Click More > Add Group.
      Add group
    2. Enter a group name and click Create.
  5. Optional: If you want to add multiple email addresses at once, you can use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or .csv file.
    1. Create an Excel spreadsheet or .csv file that follows this format: Email Address, Device Name Prefix, Group Name. For .csv files, make sure to always use the same delimiter, either a comma or semi-colon.
      Tip: In the Add Bulk Devices dialog box, there's an Excel template that you can download, fill in and re-upload.
    2. Click Add Bulk Devices.
    3. In the Add Bulk Devices dialog box, choose a Format (and for .csv files, a Delimiter (how values are separated)).
      SOTI Snap supports both .xls and .xlsx Excel files. Make sure you chose the right format for your Excel document.
    4. Select Browse to upload your file to SOTI Snap.
  6. Click Enroll.


The new device or devices that you enrolled appears in the Device Manager view in a pending state. Enrollment instructions are emailed to the device user at email address you provided. Once the device user completes the enrollment process, the device's status will change to active.