Managing Device Access for Business Apps

Before you begin

You need to configure device access in addition to console access. For more information about console access, see Adding, Changing and Removing Users Within Roles.

About this task

Business apps require users to sign into their devices when opening the application. The business app logs the user's activities with their validated account to guarantee that actions such as approvals belong to the user.

Screenshot of Device Access page

Adding Users to Device Access

About this task

To configure users for access to business apps, perform the following:


  1. Open the Apps view, and beside the published app whose access you want to update, select More > Manage Access.
  2. In the Device Access tab, select Users.
  3. Select the Assign User button. The Assign Users window opens.
  4. Go to the search field. Enter and select the name of the user(s) you wish to add.
  5. Select Add.


The added users are now present in the All App Users list.

Adding Groups to Device Access

About this task

To configure groups for access to business apps, perform the following:


  1. Open the Apps view, and beside the published app whose access you want to update, select More > Manage Access.
  2. In the Device Access tab, select Groups.
  3. Select the Assign Group button. The Assign Group window opens.
  4. Go to the search field. Enter and select the name of the group(s) you wish to add.
  5. Select Add.


The added groups are now present in the Directory Groups list.

Removing Users from Device Access

About this task

To remove user access to business apps, perform the following:


  1. Open the Apps view, and beside the published app whose access you want to update, select More > Manage Access.
  2. In the Device Access tab, select Users. A list of all app users appears in the panel to the right.
  3. Beside the name of the user you want to remove, select More. Select Remove User.
  4. In the Remove Selected User(s)? confirmation window, select Remove.


From the All App Users list, SOTI Snap removes the user.

Removing Groups from Device Access

About this task

To remove group access to business apps, perform the following:


  1. Open the Apps view, and beside the published app whose access you want to update, select More > Manage Access.
  2. In the Device Access tab, select Groups. A list of all directory groups appears in the panel to the right.
  3. Beside the name of the group you want to remove, select More. Select Remove Group.
  4. In the Remove Selected Group(s)? confirmation window, select Remove.


The group is now removed from the Directory Groups.