
The Apps view manages the custom apps built in SOTI Snap from draft through to publication. You'll perform your app development here.

Apps Manager

Apps in the App Manager are split into three categories: Personal, Co-Owned, and Shared.

Personal are apps that you created (or cloned). Co-Owned are apps that another user created and chose to share with you. You (and any other users they've shared the app with) can collaborate with them by making changes to the same app. Shared are apps that another user created and allowed you to see but not make changes to. You can clone public apps and make changes to the copy (which appears in your Personal tab).

Each app listed in the App Manager has the following attributes:

Name The name of the app
Status The current state of the app; published, draft, or inactive.
Published The number of environments the app is currently published in; click the icon to manage the environments.
Saved Drafts The number of saved drafts of the app; click the icon to manage drafts.
Modified On Last modified date.
Modified By Last user to modify the app.
Actions Click to view available actions for the app.