Importing An SSL Certificate for SOTI Snap Data Access Controller

By default, the SOTI Snap DAC uses an insecure HTTP connection between a SOTI Snap application and the SOTI Snap DAC endpoint. This connection sends plain text messages that are vulnerable to threats. You can upload a SSL certificate to use the more secure HTTPS protocol to provide an extra layer of protection using encryption and verification.

Before you begin

Tip: In a production environment, SOTI recommends that you enable HTTPS to secure your data.


  1. Log into the SOTI Snap DAC web console and select the Certificate tab.
    Certificate page with an uploaded certificate and an uploaded key
  2. In the Certificate tab, upload the SSL certificate:
    1. For Add Certificate, select Choose File and navigate to the certificate file. You must obtain a certificate signed by a certificate authority.
    2. For Add Key, select Choose File and navigate to a key file.
      Important: You must upload both a certificate file and a key file.
    3. Select Load Certificate. If the certificate is successfully uploaded the following information displays:
      • Issuer
      • Expiration date
      • Common name
      • Thumbprint
  3. Select Save Certificate.


The SOTI Snap DAC saves the SSL certificate. You can now enable HTTPS when creating or editing a new service (see Creating a New Service for SOTI Snap Data Access Controller).