Constructing an API URL for the SOTI Snap Data Access Controller

From the API Docs tab, you can view the API documentation to construct an API URL for yourself so you can connect to your DAC endpoints. You can also use the Construct URL feature to have the SOTI Snap Data Access Controller help you construct an API URL.

Before you begin

The API documentation explains how you can connect to your SOTI Snap DAC services to execute create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations to your database and their tables. API Docs page

About this task

If the API documentation is a insufficient resource for you, you can use the Construct URL feature to construct an example API URL. To construct the example API URL, do the following:


  1. Log into the SOTI Snap DAC web console and select the API Docs tab.
  2. From API Docs tab's top-right corner, select Construct URL.
    API Docs page
  3. Choose a SOTI Snap DAC service that you would like to construct an API URL for. Select Next.
    Tip: In the screenshot above, TestSQLConnection is an example service. When chosen, the constructed API URL uses TestSQLConnection's connection details.
  4. Select the HTTP request to construct an API URL for.
    • GET
    • POST
    • PATCH
    • DELETE
  5. Refer to the following table for the procedure associated with HTTP request you have chosen.
    Request Procedure
    1. Choose the table to execute the request on.
    2. Choose from:
      • Retrieve All Records:
      • Retrieve Single Row: Enter the respective table row's primary key.
      • Search, Filtering and Sorting: Enter the following:
        • The values for the table's columns
        • The number of results per page
        • The page number
        • The column to use to sort the table
    • POST
    • PATCH
    • DELETE
    1. Choose the table to execute the request on.
    2. Enter data for the fields of the table
    1. Choose the procedure to execute.
    2. Enter the values for the respective parameter.
    Restriction: This HTTP request is only available if the chosen API endpoint service allows custom SELECT queries.
    1. In the text body, enter the custom query.
  6. Select Construct API URL. The API URL dialog box displays with the constructed API URL.
  7. Select OK.