Creating a New Service for SOTI Snap Data Access Controller

Create a RESTful API service by connecting to an existing database. SOTI Snap applications can then perform create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations on database table data using the API.

About this task


  1. From the SOTI Snap Data Access Controller web console, select the Services tab.
  2. From the Services tab, select New Service.
    Create New Service 1/6: Database Type
  3. Select the Database Server Type.
    1. Select a database server type from the dropdown menu:
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • Oracle
      • Microsoft SQL Server
      • IBM Db2
  4. Setup the Connection to the database server. Create New Service 2/6: Connection
    1. Database Hostname / IP: The hostname / network address that has the database server.
    2. Port: The hostname / network address' respective port number.
    3. Username: A name of the database user to access the database server.
    4. Password: The database username's respective password.
    5. Select Test Connection to verify that you can successfully connect to the database server.
  5. If you can successfully connect to the database server, continue to setup the Connection to the database server.
    Create New Service 2/6: Successful Connection
    1. Database: Choose a database from the database server.
    2. Database Schema: Choose a schema from the database you have chosen.
  6. Select the Tables in the database server to receive API endpoints.
    Create New Service 3/6: Tables
    1. Optional: Enable Allow custom SELECT queries to display tables with composite keys and / or no primary key.
    2. For the Table Name, choose the tables you would like to Create API Endpoint for and / or ALLOW FOR CUSTOM SELECT QUERIES for.
  7. Select the Routines, the stored procedures and created functions.
    Create New Service 4/6: Routines
    1. For Procedure Name, choose the stored procedures that the API endpoint can access.
    2. For Function Name, choose the created functions that custom SELECT queries can access.
    Restriction: You must choose at least one table or procedure to create an API endpoint for.
  8. Setup the Authentication account that accesses the API endpoint.
    Create New Service 5/6: Authentication
    1. Service Name: The name for the RESTful API service. This must be an alphanumeric string.
    2. Port Number To Host the Service: The port number where the RESTful API service binds to and listens for incoming connection. SOTI Snap applications use this number to connect to the service. By default this value is 5000.
      Restriction: You must enter a port number from 5000 to 5998, inclusive.
    3. Username: Enter an alphanumeric string as the API endpoint user.
    4. Password and Re-enter Password: Enter a password as specified by the API Password Complexity settings (see Managing SOTI Snap Data Access Controller Settings).
    5. Optional: Toggle Enable HTTPS to restrict access to HTTPS only for SOTI Snap applications that access this API. This offers a more secure connection.
    6. Optional: Toggle Enable Local Blockly Requests to restrict access to SOTI Snap applications using Blockly to this API endpoint.
      Restriction: With SOTI Snap Data Access Controller version 1.7.0 or earlier, you can set Enable Local Blockly Requests only after you Enable HTTPS. However SOTI Snap Data Access Controller version 1.7.0+ has deprecated the Enable Local Blockly Requests and it only supports Blockly native calls.
  9. In the Summary step, preview all the selections and choices. Select Back to make changes. You can also edit your selections and choices after you create the service as needed.
    Create New Service 6/6: Summary
  10. Select Create Service to create the service.


SOTI Snap Data Access Controller adds a new created service row to the Services panel.