In Use Status Smart Battery Dashboard

Battery Charge Cycles


This chart shows the count of charge cycles battery has undergone.

The Smart Batteries table at the bottom of the dashboard shows individual batteries in the selected pool. See Filtering and Customizing Dashboards for details on filtering the table using the search criteria and interactive charts. You can also select to download a battery list using a *.csv file (see Uploading and Downloading Battery Lists).

Smart Battery Dashboard Device Details

Select the arrow beside a battery to see the last devices that used it (maximum five devices).

List of the last devices to use the battery

How to use this chart

Use this chart to know the total charge cycles of the batteries in the battery pool.


SOTI XSight identifies the battery charge cycles.

Note: The device manufacturer provides the battery charge cycle (for example, Zebra).

Current capacity


This chart shows the remaining battery capacities of the devices.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to the battery capacities of the devices. The remaining battery capacity degrades with age and use.


SOTI XSight identifies the remaining battery capacity based on the current capacity of the battery after the series of charge cycles and age.

Battery Age


This chart shows the age of batteries since their first use in the devices.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to know the age of the batteries in the battery pool.


SOTI XSight identifies the days since the first time of use of the battery.

Note: The manufacturer provides the battery age. If the manufacturer does not give the age, then the device enroll date is the battery age.

Charge Level at X


This chart shows the charge level of batteries at the time selected.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to know the charge level of the batteries.


SOTI XSight identifies the charge level of the batteries at the regular intervals of the day.


Dashboard users can change the time to view the charge level at the selected time.

Data included in the charts

Battery Pool displays all the batteries that are a part of the SOTI MobiControl device group selected at the time of Battery Pool creation.

All Battery Pool selections display all the batteries irrespective of the device group selected

Users can select multiple device groups in the battery pool.

The smart battery supports Zebra, Panasonic and Bluebird manufactured batteries along with dual batteries

Cascade Filtering

When selecting a specific metric on the chart, all other charts filter based on batteries of the devices that correspond to the specified metric

Battery Charge Cycles

Description This chart shows the count of charge cycles battery has undergone.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to know the total charge cycles of the batteries in the battery pool.


SOTI XSight identifies the battery charge cycles.

Note: The device manufacturer (for example, Zebra) provides the battery charge cycle.

Current capacity


This chart shows the remaining battery capacities of the devices.

How to use this chart

Use this chart to the battery capacities of the devices. The remaining battery capacity degrades with age and use.


SOTI XSight identifies the remaining battery capacity based on the current capacity of the battery after the series of charge cycles and age.