Decommissioning and Recommissioning Batteries

About this task

You can decommission a battery when it is no longer usable. SOTI XSight does not track decommissioned batteries. They do not appear on charts or in the Smart Batteries table.


  1. Select Main Menu Button Main Menu > Operational Intelligence. The Smart Batteries dashboard opens.
  2. Select the Profile list and select Smart Batteries. The list of battery pools displays.
  3. From Battery Pools, select a battery pool.
    Note: See Creating a Battery Pool to learn how to create battery pools.
  4. Search for the battery you want to decommission.
  5. From the Smart Batteries table, select the box beside the battery. The Decommission Button Decommission button appears at the bottom of the page.
    Note: You may select more than one battery to decommission simultaneously.
  6. Select Decommission.


SOTI XSight removes the selected battery from the Smart Batteries table and stops tracking it.
Note: You can recommission a decommissioned battery at any time (see Decommissioning and Recommissioning Batteries). If someone attempts to use a decommissioned battery, the following message displays on the device: WARNING: This battery is decommissioned!

Recommissioning or Deleting Decommissioned Batteries

About this task

SOTI XSight keeps track of decommissioned batteries. You can review the list and recommission a battery or delete it from SOTI XSight.


  1. Select Main Menu Button Main Menu > Operational Intelligence. The Smart Batteries dashboard opens.
  2. Select the Profile list and select Smart Batteries. The list of battery pools displays.
  3. From Battery Pools, select a battery pool.
    Note: See Creating a Battery Pool to learn how to create battery pools.
  4. From Dashboard, select Decommissioned. A table of all decommissioned batteries appears.
  5. From the Smart Batteries table, select the box beside the battery. The Recommission battery button Recommission and Delete battery button Delete buttons appear at the bottom of the page.
    Note: You may select more than one battery to recommission or delete simultaneously.
  6. To recommission a battery, select Recommission to start tracking the battery again.
  7. To remove the battery from SOTI XSight, select Delete.
    CAUTION: Deleting a battery erases all information related to it permanently.


You have successfully recommissioned or deleted a battery.