Creating a Battery Pool

Before you begin

Note: You must have administrator privileges to create a battery pool.

About this task

Battery pools are custom groupings of batteries that you create. Use battery pools to sort batteries into logical categories according to your needs. By selecting a specific pool, you can view and analyze the performance of all batteries in that pool.
Note: You need System Administrator privileges to create a battery pool.

Battery pool dialog

The All Batteries Pool is a permanent default battery pool containing all your batteries. Use this pool to analyze the condition of all your batteries together.

To add a new pool:


  1. From the SOTI XSight main menu, select Operational Intelligence.
  2. Expand the Profile list to open the profile dialog.

    Dialog showing a list of profiles

  3. Select Smart Batteries.
  4. Select Create Battery Pool at the top of the Battery Pools list. The Battery Pool window opens.

    Add a battery pool

  5. Enter the following:
    • A name for the pool
    • Your connected SOTI MobiControl instance
    • Applicable device groups to associate with the pool
  6. Select Next. The Permissions tab opens.

    Battery pool permissions

  7. From the list of roles, select the applicable permission options for each in this battery pool:
    • Manage Pools—Role members have full control over the pool.
    • View Pools—Role members can see report data and configure the pool's shared view settings.
    Note: Only system administrators can create battery pools. When creating or updating a battery pool, authorized users can also specify the permissions to grant to roles. See Filtering and Customizing Dashboards.
  8. Select Save.


The new pool's name is in the list of battery pools.
Note: To manage the battery pool in the future, select More and select Edit or Delete.