Managing Enrolled Devices

After you have created a group, and created an enrollment rule, you can then start enrolling devices.

About this task

A device can be in one of the four following states
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Pending
  • Unenrolled


  1. Open the Devices view.
    Devices view
  2. For the following available tasks, follow the respective corresponding procedure:
    Task Feature
    Filtering Devices To filter enrollment rules:
    1. From the Devices view, select the All, Active, or Inactive, Pending, Unenrolled (See ① of diagram) filter.

    Result: The Devices view updates with the filter you selected.

    Editing Devices
    To edit a device:
    1. Beside the device you want to delete, select More > Edit (See ② of diagram). The Edit Device User dialog box displays.
    2. For the Device Name field, change the name as needed.
    3. Optional: Select More > Add Group. See Creating and Managing Groups for details.
    4. Choose a new group from the dropdown list.
    5. Select Update.

    Result: The Device Manager list reflect the changes you made in the Name and Groups column.

    Delete Device

    When you delete a device, all unsynchronized data is also deleted. Make sure you back up the data if you don't want to permanently lose it.

    To delete a device:
    1. Beside the device you want to delete, select More > Delete Device (See ③ of diagram). The Delete Devices? dialog box displays.
    2. Select Delete.

    Result: Deleted devices no longer appear in the Device Manager list.

    Moving Device to a Different Group
    Note: You can only move Active / Pending devices.
    To move devices into another group:
    1. Beside the device you want to move, select More > Move to Group (See ④ of diagram). The Move to Group? dialog box displays.
    2. Choose a new group from the dropdown list.
    3. Select Move Devices.

    Result: SOTI Snap moves devices to their new group and updates the Device Manager list with the device's new group name.

    Deactivating/Activating Device

    Enrolled devices are automatically activated when a device user logs into the SOTI Snap Device Agent. Deactivate an enrolled device to temporarily prevent device users from accessing the SOTI Snap Device Agent.

    You can later activate any deactivated (inactive) device.

    To deactivate / activate a device:
    1. Beside the device you want to deactivate / activate, select More > Deactivate / Activate (See ⑤ of diagram).
    2. Optional: Enable the Deactivate / Activate all devices linked with enrollment ID check box. This feature also deactivate / activate any enrolled devices with the same enrollment ID as the currently selected device. If you do not enable this option, SOTI Snap deactivates / activate only the selected device.
    3. Select Deactivate / Activate.

    Result: The device is now deactivated / active (listed as Inactive / Active).

    Unenrolling Device Once you unenroll devices from the SOTI Snap console, those devices are no longer managed by SOTI Snap and app users can no longer access apps in the SOTI Snap Device Agent.
    To unenroll a device:
    1. Beside the device you want to unenroll, select More > Unenroll (See ⑥ of diagram). The Unenroll Device dialog box displays.
    2. Select Unenroll Device.

    Result: SOTI Snap unenrolls the device.

    Sending Message to a Device N/A: (See ⑦ of diagram)
    Bulk Manage Devices (See ⑧ of diagram)
    To manage one or more device:
    1. Beside the device(s) you want to manage, select the respective checkbox (See ⑧ of diagram). At the bottom of the screen, SOTI Snap displays the number of devices selected, followed by Device Selected. You can then perform the following operations that displays
      1. Edit
      2. Activate
      3. Deactivate
      4. Send Message
      5. Move to Group
      6. Delete
    2. Select one of the six tasks to apply the operation to all the devices you have selected.