Managing Apps: Shared With Me
When another user on the same SOTI Snap tenant grants you access to one of their applications, SOTI Snap displays it in the Shared With Me tab. See Managing Access to Your Apps to grant a user access to one of your apps (and for the app to display in their Shared With Me tab).
This feature is different from exporting/ importing an app. Exporting/ importing an app is exchanging a token for a cloned application between many SOTI Snap tenants. Each tenant has its own copy of the cloned application from the shareable token. Each copy of the exported/ imported application is independent of each other.
Granting access to an application to another user is allowing many users (with access to the same SOTI Snap tenant) to edit the application concurrently. Hence when you or another user save changes to an app, it automatically propapgates to all shared users' copy of the application. All users having access to an application edit the same application.