Importing an App From Another User

Before you begin

Important: When you import an app, the imported app is a clone of the original exported app. Any changes to the imported app are not copied to the original exported app. Likewise, any changes to the original exported app are not copied to all existing imported apps.

About this task

To import an app from another user using a shareable link:


  1. In the Apps view, select New App > Import App.
  2. Copy the shareable token you received from another SOTI Snap channel into the Shareable Token field.
    1. If the token is valid, the App Name field automatically fills with the original name.
    2. If the token is invalid, an error message displays.
  3. If the creator of the shareable token specified a password, enter it into the Password field.
  4. Optional: For the App Name field, edit the name for the app.
    Restriction: You can not have apps with the same name.
  5. Select Import.
    If you experience any issues, refer to Possible Import Issues for Shareable Tokens.


Under Apps > My Apps, SOTI Snap lists the imported app.

Tip: You can make changes directly to the imported app or copy it and make changes to the copy. Duplicated apps also appear under the My Apps tab.