Departments in every industry have processes to get things done.
When done manually, there are hidden pain points and inefficiencies. While pen-and-paper is a quick way to get things started, it will eventually cause headaches.
What five manual process pain points aren’t found in a paperless Workforce? View the infographic below to find out.
Five Manual Process Problems
In Mobility in Motion: When Technology Transformation Meets Operational Intelligence, 27% of organizations are too engulfed in manual processes to digitize towards a paperless Workforce. Here are the problems they face.
1. Paper Problems: Cumbersome Paper Management
Paper is expensive to purchase, hard to store and vulnerable to damage.
Spilled coffee ruins paper. A disaster destroys it forever. Two extreme examples with the same result: lost or damaged paper equals lost or damaged data. Replacing the paper is easy. Undoing the damage resulting from losing the data that was on the paper? Not so much.
Did you know? 70% of organizations would fail within three weeks1 if their paper documents were lost in a flood or fire.
Ask yourself: If you lost a document with critically important business data, could you get another?
2. Data Danger: Lack of Data Safety
Manually capturing and entering data can result in downstream consequences.
A handwritten “1” misinterpreted as a “7” impacts everything. Decisions and steps are taken with incorrect data. Once wrong data is identified – if at all – it’s tough locate its first appearance and undo the knot of the wrong operations which occurred afterwards.
Did you know? Up to 45% of operating expenses are wasted2 due to bad data and the associated rework.
Ask yourself: If data is wrong, could you identify and correct it before it impacts business operations?
3. Tracking Troubles: Challenges in Document Organization
If paper documents aren’t organized properly, locating them is a nightmare.
Documents such as daily safety inspection reports must be easy to organize and retrieve when required. These documents can also be subjected to compliance inspection by third-party reviewers. If the document isn’t where it’s supposed to be, it becomes a mad dash of hunting for a single piece of paper. Productivity can grind to a halt until this document is produced.
Did you know? It takes 120 minutes to locate an improperly filed document1.
Ask yourself: If you had to find a paper document for a time-sensitive compliance check, could you? What happens if you can’t?
4. Security Scares: Can’t Lose Paper Documents in a Paperless Workforce
Paper documents may contain sensitive customer details or proprietary information. Now, paper can’t get lost or stolen in a paperless Workforce.
If paper is lost, the data is at risk. Even if paper isn’t lost, the data on it is still at risk as it could be viewed or copied by unauthorized personnel. A landmark study revealed that only 33% of organizations take steps to prevent unauthorized access to document storage facilities like filing cabinets. The rest may not even do simple things such as locking restricted cabinets. By going digital, you literally remove the threat of paper being lost or subject to unauthorized access because paper is no longer required.
Did you know? 40% of all data breaches are paper based and 14% are due to loss or theft of paperwork3.
Ask yourself: If a paper document was lost or stolen, could you protect the information in it?
5. Productivity Pain: Important Work Isn’t Getting Done
Time spent manually capturing and entering data is time not spent on business-critical tasks. Time is also spent manually sharing or transferring that data. And more time is spent manually interpreting and actioning the data.
Employees feel there isn’t enough time to complete their responsibilities. Now, take away additional time for manual data and processes. There just isn’t enough time to be fully productive and contribute to business growth.
Did you know? Workers lose up to 25% of working time on manual data capture and entry tasks4.
Ask yourself: If you could save workers 2 hours/day on manual processes, what would they work on?
Move Towards a Paperless Workforce with SOTI Snap
Pen-and-paper processes eventually lead to higher costs, lower productivity, increased inefficiencies and decreased security.
SOTI Snap eliminates the problems of manual processes. When processes and data are digital, everything is easy. Data is captured quickly and correctly. Documents are stored digitally and conveniently. SOTI Snap makes it simple to transition from paper to digital.
- Workato
- ShreddingMachines.co.uk
- Rochester Software Associates