SOTI Hub: Add New Content Repository

The content repository stores any files that you want your device users to access through the SOTI Hub app. You perform this configuration when:

Note: Configuration options differ depending on the repository type that you select.

Content Repository Settings

Repository Type Choose the type of server that your content repository is hosted on:
  • WebDAV
  • SharePoint 2013
  • SharePoint Online
  • OneDrive for Business
  • OneDrive
  • Box
  • Nextcloud
Important: Some settings are not available depending on the selected repository type.
Repository URL Enter the URL of the site for your repository. The SOTI Hub app uses this URL to access the content repository server. The port may be specified as part of the URL.

If you plan to route traffic through the Enterprise Resource Gateway, specify the internal URL used to access the content repository server.

Note: You do not need to enter a Repository URL for OneDrive for Business, OneDrive, or Box repositories.
Path Enter a path to a subfolder of the content repository if you do not want your device users to have access to the entire repository. Only one folder path can be specified. If the field is left blank, all folders under the Repository URL are selected.
Restrict File Types Restrict which file types your device users can access based on file extension. Device users will only see those files types specified by the filter. All other files are hidden from the device user.

Enter file filters with the following format: *.extension

You can separate different extension types with commas. For example: *.doc, *.pdf, *.txt

Alias Specify a virtual folder within the SOTI Hub that contains the content from that repository. The Alias folder is placed under the My Library section of the SOTI Hub app. If you do not set an Alias folder, the directory structure of a repository will begin directly under the My Library section of the SOTI Hub app. This can cause confusion if multiple repositories are associated with the SOTI Hub app.

You can only use one Alias per repository.

Tip: You can use Alias to merge content from multiple repositories into a single location. Enter the same name in the Alias field of each content repository that you want to merge and all content from each repository will appear under that heading. This is only supported on WebDAV and SharePoint 2013 repositories.
Domain Specify the domain that is prefixed to the username when exchanging login credentials with the content repository server.

The following macro is supported:


Note: To use macros, your devices must have been enrolled using this domain.

This option is not available when a cloud repository is the selected Repository Type.

Prefill Username Specify the username that is used to authenticate the SOTI Hub user to the content repository server. This value appears in the username field of the content repository's login page and will be uneditable. If a username is not specified, the user will be prompted for login credentials.

The following macros are supported:

Note: To use macros, your devices must have been enrolled using this information.

If no username or username macro is provided, the device user must provide their own username that matches the Domain.

This option is not available when a cloud repository is the selected Repository Type.

Prefill Password Specify a password that authenticates the SOTI Hub user to the content repository server. If a password is specified in this field, the user is automatically logged in to the corresponding repository. If no password is specified, the user must enter a password that matches the Prefill Username.

This option is available only when Prefill Username is selected. If you prefill a password, device users are automatically logged in once they open the application on their device.

This option is not available when a cloud repository is selected as the Repository Type.

Use Enterprise Resource Gateway Force all devices to communicate with an Enterprise Resource Gateway (ERG) to access the content repository. See Using Enterprise Resource Gateway Servers for more information on how ERG interacts with SOTI Hub.

This option is not available when a cloud repository is the selected Repository Type.

Enterprise Resource Gateway Select the SOTI MobiControl Enterprise Resource Gateway that your devices use to access the content repository.
Note: Only ERGs that have the Enable filtering network traffic to Enterprise content option selected appear in this dropdown list. To select this ERG option, on the All Platforms tab click on the Servers tab and right-click on the ERG you want devices to use. On the popup menu, click Properties to open the ERG Properties dialog box. Select Enterprise Content from the Filter drop-down list and select the Enable filtering of network traffic to Enterprise content option.
Transfer Content Over Cellular Allow device users to transfer content while connected to a cellular network. If it is unchecked, device users can only transfer content on WiFi networks.
Transfer Content While Roaming Allow device users to transfer content while roaming.
Note: This option is hidden unless Transfer Content Over Cellular is enabled.
Note: This option is available only on the Android Plus platform.

Mandatory File Fetch Settings

This section allows you to mark certain folders and files in the content repository as mandatory downloads for the SOTI Hub app. See Using Mandatory Files for more information.

Note: The mandatory folders and files downloaded to the device will be automatically deleted if any of the Repository URL, Repository Type, Path, Filter, Alias, Domain, Prefill Username (or Prefill Password), or Enterprise Resource Gateway settings are changed in the SOTI Hub profile configuration.
  1. Turn on Enable File Fetch to start configuring file fetch settings.

  2. Set a Fetch Interval that specifies, in minutes, how often you want the SOTI Hub app to check the content repository for changes to the folders and files in the Folders and Files List. The minimum possible value for this field is 15 minutes. If a device has access to multiple content repositories with differing fetch intervals, the most frequent schedule applies.

  3. Under Files and Folders, click to add a mandatory file or folder. In the table, choose either a file or folder as the type.

  4. Then enter a Path that continues the Repository URL and, if it was configured, the Path specified in the content repository settings. For example, for a file whose full path is, where is the repository URL, enter products/sotioneplatformbrochure.pdf as the path.

    Note: The path cannot start or end with / or \ and cannot contain any of the following characters: ' " ` % \ + : * ? < >
  5. Use the arrows under Order to control the order in which files and folders are downloaded to the device.

Data Leakage Prevention Settings

When you enable Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) Settings, you can control how your device users interact with the files in your content repository, therefore limiting the potential exposure of your company data. Supported file types are automatically opened in the SOTI Hub editor and you can choose whether your device users can share content with other applications or print files from the repository.

Enable Data Leakage Prevention When enabled, file types that are supported by the SOTI Hub app are opened in the SOTI Hub editor. Unsupported file types cannot be opened by the device user unless those file types are added to the Exclude File Formats field below.
Enable File Edit When enabled, device users can 'check out' files to make edits and then 'check in' those edits to the repository.

This feature is not supported on WebDAV repositories

Enable Copy and Paste When enabled, device users can copy and paste content while editing a document in SOTI Hub.

Enable Copy and Paste is only available if Enable DLP Settings and Enable File Edit are also enabled.

This feature is not supported on WebDAV repositories

Enable File Upload When enabled, device users can upload new files to the content repository.
Enable File Share When enabled, device users can share SOTI Hub files with other applications.
Enable File Print When enabled, device users can print SOTI Hub files directly from the SOTI Hub editor.
Exclude File Formats When enabled, your chosen file types are opened in a third-party app and not in the SOTI Hub editor. If you have any unsupported file types in your content repository, use this option to allow your users to open them in the third-party app. Otherwise, your users are blocked from opening the unsupported file.

Separate multiple file types using a comma.

Open Hyperlinks in SOTI Surf When enabled, all hyperlinks in SOTI Hub are opened with the SOTI Surf browser. If the SOTI Surf app is not installed on the device, SOTI Hub will open the Google Play Store or Apple App Store where the device user can download the SOTI Surf app.

Supported File Types

The following file types are automatically opened using the SOTI Hub editor when DLP settings are enabled. Device users are blocked from opening any unsupported file types unless those file types are added to the Exclude File Formats field. Excluded files are opened through an appropriate third-party app.

  • .txt
  • .rtf
  • .doc*
  • .docx*
  • .pdf*
  • .ppt*
  • .pptx*
  • .xls*
  • .xlsx*
  • .csv
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .bmp
  • .gif
  • .png
  • .pps
  • .ppsx
  • .htm
  • .html

These iOS specific file types are also supported on iOS devices.

  • .pages
  • .numbers
  • .key

Files types marked with asterisks (*) can also be edited within the SOTI Hub Editor. You can highlight, annotate and add comments to .pdf files.