Block Process

The Block Process profile configuration prevents macOS updates from installing, ensuring the macOS device is compatible with other installed software. Administrators can also use this configuration to restrict end-users from running/installing specific applications on macOS devices. You do this when:

Restriction: Requires macOS 10.13 or later and SOTI MobiControl Device Agent for macOS v2024.1.0 or later.
Restriction: This configuration has the following limitations:
  • You can not add SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to the list of blocked/deleted application/processes.
Important: To block an application/process from executing, you must add it using one of three features below. It is best to add the application/process to all three features. This is to prevent potential points of failure.
Feature Details
Add Process Names Add () and enter a process name.

You can view the Process Name column from the macOS Activity Monitor.

Add Process Paths Add () the process's file path on the macOS device. The application's file path is the blocked process path.

To retrieve the process path from the macOS device, execute the following command in the macOS device terminal:

osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to POSIX path of (file of process "ProcessName" as alias)' 
Replace "ProcessName" with the process name.
Enable Delete to delete the process's respective application from the macOS device.
Restriction: If the macOS device admin can not delete a system application, you also can not the delete system application.
Add Applications Add () and enter an application's unique identifier.

To retrieve the bundle ID from the macOS device, execute the following command in the macOS device terminal:

osascript -e 'id of app "AppName"'
Replace "AppName" with the application name.
On a macOS device, when an application is successfully blocked, it displays the following:
<APPLICATION/PROCESS-NAME> is not allowed by the Administrator on this device. Please connect with Administrator for more information.
Example of blocked macOS Sonoma: