Encrypted DNS

This profile configuration enables your iOS devices to automatically connect to your organization's DNS server. By using this configuration, you do not need to manually set up a DNS connection on your iOS devices. This helps prevent the network traffic between your iOS device and the DNS from exposure to security vulnerabilities. See Apple's documentation for DNSSettings for more details. You do this when:

Restriction: This configuration is only applicable to iOS 14+ devices.
Feature Details
Configuration Name Enter a name for the Encrypted DNS configuration payload.
DNS Protocol Select the DNS Protocol to communciate with the DNS server.
  • TLS
Server URL / Name Enter the URL or Hostname of the DNS server that validates the server certificate.
Server Addresses Add () and enter a DNS server IP address. The IP address(es) can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
Supplemental Match Domains Add () and enter a matching domain.

Each matching domain determines which DNS queries needed to rerouted through your DNS server. If you do not add any matching domains, then all domains use the DNS server.

Prohibit Disablement Enable this toggle to enforce the DNS configuration on your iOS devices.