Webhook Payload Reference

A webhook payload is information related to the devices, events and conditions contained in a webhook message. Payload headers format and organize the information communicated to third party applications. This section describes the payload headers, and provides examples of payload structure.

Descriptions of Payload Headers

Header Description
Webhook Name The name the user gives the webhook upon creation.
Policy Reference Id A string of text which allows users to make API calls to modify the signal policy which has triggered the webhook (disable policy, change conditions within policy).
Policy Name The name of the triggered signal policy.
Subject The customized message the user inputs when selecting the Trigger Webhooks action for a signal policy. This section can contain free text.
Time Stamp

The date and time the webhook triggered.

Source Type The signal policy category of conditions (Managed Device, Unmanaged Device, Deployment Server etc.) .
Source ID The unique ID of the object which has triggered the webhook (Device Id, Zone Id, etc.) .
Source Name The name of the object which triggered the webhook (Device Name, Zone Name, etc.) .
Triggered Conditions The conditions which are 'TRUE' in the triggered signal policy, displayed in plain string format.
Device Attribute The user selected attributes configured when creating a signal policy.

Payload Examples

Reference Example

  "Sources": [
      "ObjectReferenceId": "Sample ObjectReferenceId",
      "ObjectName": "Sample ObjectName",
      "ObjectType": "Sample ObjectType",			
      "Device Attribute1": "Sample Device Attribute1 Value",
      "Device Attribute2": "Sample Device Attribute2 Value",
      "Triggered Conditions": "Signal Condition String"
  "PolicyId": "ltReference Id>",
  "PolicyName": "Sample Policy Name",
  "Subject": "Sample Message Title",
  "TimeStamp": "Sample Timestamp",

Multiple Condition Groups

  "Sources": [
      "ObjectReferenceId": "422bd0d5-2e16-4abc-8593-b89df8cd3ec4.3fbcace5-4c72-4799-aa42-29903709abcd",
      "ObjectName": "RTLS",
      "ObjectType": "IndoorGeofence",
      "TriggeredConditions": "Enter Indoor Geofence is in RTLS"
      "ObjectReferenceId": "4083AB2C8D63",
      "ObjectName": "Managed Device",
      "ObjectType": "ManagedDevice",
      "DeviceId": "00195C2FF6070108391A-0C1D050D1801",
      "DeviceName": "Managed Device"
  "PolicyId": "3978a6cd-291e-44b7-86ga-389b9151850e",
  "PolicyName": "Indoor Location Policy",
  "Subject": "Managed device has entered RTLS",
  "TimeStamp": "2023-04-25T13:17:50+00:00"