Enterprise Apps Configuration

Use the Enterprise Apps Configuration page to set up enterprise apps for your Windows Modern devices For details, see Enabling Enterprise Apps for Windows.

Note: Ensure that you have your Enterprise Enrollment Token and Company Hub App ready to be uploaded to SOTI MobiControl.
Enable Enterprise Application Turn on the toggle to enable Windows Enterprise applications in your SOTI MobiControl instance.
Application Enrollment Token This field appears only when the Windows Enterprise applications are enabled. Browse for the token file, or drag this file and drop it into the filed. If you need to replace the token uploaded earlier, delete the current token by clicking the Delete icon, then select a new one.
Deploy Company Hub App This toggle appears after an application enrollment token has been uploaded. Turn on the toggle to enable deployment of the company hub application.
Deploy App Using
If you have enabled deployment of the company hub app, select a deployment option:
  • SOTI MobiControl
  • Custom Company Link
Company Hub App If you have selected the SOTI MobiControl deployment option, browse for the app file, or drag this file and drop it into the filed. If you need to replace the app file uploaded earlier, delete the current file by clicking the Delete icon, then select a new one.
Company Link If you have selected the Custom Company Link deployment option, enter the link.

After making changes, follow the prompts to Save or Cancel them.