Authentication Options

Use the Authentication Options page to select an authentication option for your SOTI MobiControl instance and define the option-specific parameters. For details, see:

Authentication Type Select a SOTI MobiControl user authentication option:
  • MobiControl - select to perform user authentication by SOTI MobiControl's means
  • Identity Providers - select to delegate user authentication to a third-party IdP
  • SOTI Identity - select to make SOTI Identity responsible for user authentication
MobiControl Directories Appears if you have selected the MobiControl authentication options. Turn on this toggle to enable SOTI MobiControl directory management.
Directories This section appears if you have turned on the MobiControl Directories toggle. It lists the existing directories. The list includes the following columns and controls:
  • Name - the directory name
  • Directory - the directory type
  • Details - the directory domain and port
  • Toggle - turn on to enable SOTI MobiControl to utilize this directory
  • Manage Directories - click this button to display the Directory dialog box (see Directory), where you can edit the existing directories, as well as add new ones.
Identity Providers This section appears if you have selected the Identity Providers authentication option. It contains:
  • A list of existing IdPs rendered as options - click an option button to select the IdP to use
  • Manage Identity Providers - click this button to display the Identity Provider dialog box (see Identity Provider), where you can edit the existing IdPs, as well as add new ones.
SOTI Identity Status This section appears if you have selected the SOTI Identity authentication option. It contains:
  • The SOTI Identity status string (Enabled or Disabled).
  • Manage - click this button to display the SOTI Identity dialog box (see SOTI Identity), where you can enable SOTI Identity and enter its details required for integration with your SOTI MobiControl instance.

After making changes, follow the prompts to Save or Cancel them.