Apple Push Notification Service
Use the Apple Push Notification Service page to add or modify, as well as test, the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) that allows iOS devices to be enrolled in SOTI MobiControl. For details, see Using the Apple Push Notification Service.
Configuration Status | Displays the status of the APNS configuration in your SOTI MobiControl instance. Either a table of configuration details or "Not Configured." |
Test | Click to test connectivity with APNS and validity of the APNS certificate.
Note: This button appears if the service is already configured.
Create | Click to create a new APNS configuration in the Create Configuration dialog box (see Create/Modify APNS Configuration).
Note: This button appears if the service is currently not configured.
APNS details (read-only) | Details of the APNS service:
Note: This list of details appears if the service is already configured.
Modify | Click to modify the existing APNS configuration in the Create Configuration dialog box (see Create/Modify APNS Configuration).
Note: This button appears if the service is already configured.