Access Control Policy

Use the Access Control Policy page to manage user security settings for the SOTI MobiControl console. For details, see Setting an Access Control Policy.

Note: The access control policy settings are for local SOTI MobiControl account users only. You must modify settings for directory services and IdP accounts at their originating point.
Lock Account After Failed Login Turn on the toggle to lock user's console account after the user fails to log into their account more than the specified number of attempts.
Number of Failed Logins Type, or move the slider to, the number of failed logins after which you want the console account to be locked.

The minimum number is 1, the maximum is 10, and the default is 5. Numbers that were set below the minimum in a previous version of SOTI MobiControl will be automatically reset to the minimum number. Numbers set above the maximum will be automatically reset to the maximum number.

Password Expiry Turn on the toggle to make console users change the password for their SOTI MobiControl account according to the number of days specified. The new password cannot match the previous password.

Two weeks prior to password expiration, users will be prompted to update their password on every login. If users fail to update password prior to expiration, they won't be allowed to sign into SOTI MobiControl until the password has been updated.

Expires After Select the time unit and type the number of units to define the password validity period. The users will be forced to change their password before it expires.

The minimum period is 1 day, the maximum is 999 days, and the default is 90 days. Periods that were set below the minimum in a previous version of SOTI MobiControl will be automatically reset to the minimum. Periods set above the maximum will be automatically reset to the maximum.

Allow Users to Change Account Password Turn on the toggle to enable console users to choose their own passwords for their account. SOTI MobiControl console administrators will still be able to see passwords on the Security tab.
Limit Users to a Single Session Turn on the toggle to limit console users to a single active session at a time. An existing SOTI MobiControl session will terminate immediately if a user initiates a new session elsewhere.
Password Complexity Requirements Turn on the toggle to display controls for setting the minimum level of complexity for user passwords. Once the requirements are set, SOTI MobiControl automatically enforces them.
Apply to Android Device Administrator Turn on the toggle to apply complexity requirements specified here to the Device Administrator password configured through the Android Plus Authentication profile configuration.
Minimum Character Length Type, or move the slider to, the required number. Passwords must be at least the specified length.

The minimum length is 1 character, the maximum is 99 characters, and the default is 6 characters. Lengths that were set below the minimum in a previous version of SOTI MobiControl will be automatically reset to the minimum. Lengths set above the maximum will be automatically reset to the maximum.

Contain at Least One Digit Turn on the toggle to make password contain at least one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.
Contain at Least One Upper Case Letter Turn on the toggle to make password contain one or more upper case letters.
Contain at Least One Punctuation Symbol Turn on the toggle to make password contain one or more punctuation symbols.
Contain at Least One Lower Case Letter Turn on the toggle to make password contain one or more lower case letters.

After making changes, follow the prompts to Save or Cancel them.