Android Management

Use this page to choose an Android deployment type based on the types of Android devices you plan to manage in SOTI MobiControl. For details, see Migrating Devices to the ELM Agent. This setting does not affect non-Android devices.

Important: Avoid changing your Android management style often. Choose the option that will most likely reflect the needs of your Android deployment for the foreseeable future.
Deployment Type Select a deployment type option from the dropdown list:
  • Android Enterprise Only - choose this option if you plan to enroll all Android devices as Android Enterprise devices. This selection hides or disables Android Plus features and options that don't apply to Android Enterprise devices. When this option is selected, you can only enroll Android devices as Android Enterprise devices, deploy applications through the Managed Google Play store, and create profile configurations for Android Enterprise devices.
  • OEM Specific for Android 6.0 and Below - choose this option if you plan to manage some Android devices with Android Enterprise features and others with OEM specific features. All Android Plus features will be available for you to configure. However, devices running an Android version prior to 7.0 must be enrolled using OEM device agent, while devices running Android 7.0 or later, can be enrolled with either Android Enterprise or OEM specific device agents.
  • OEM Specific for All Android Devices - choose this option if you plan to manage some Android devices with Android Enterprise features and others with OEM specific features. All Android Plus features will be available for you to configure and there will be no enrollment restrictions based on the Android version on the device.

After making changes, follow the prompts to Save or Cancel them.