Device Agent and Plugin Page

Use the Device Agent and Plugin page to download new Android device agents and device plugins to the SOTI MobiControl database. Within this page, you can also update existing agents and plugins with newer versions.

The process for adding and updating Android device agents in your SOTI MobiControl database is split into several steps to facilitate testing new device agents and plugins on your devices before pushing them to your entire deployment.

Begin by adding (or updating) devices agents or plugins to your SOTI MobiControl database. Adding a device agent or plugin at this point will not download it to your devices. You can also choose to download the .apk to your computer and sideload it onto a device to test it.

After you've ensured there are no issues, you can use the Update Compatibility button to designate earlier versions of the device agent as outdated and then use an Upgrade Agent device action to push the update to the rest of your devices.

Filter Select an option from the dropdown list to filter the displayed device agents or plugins:
  • All to see all possible manufacturers and their device agents or plugins
  • Out of date to see only those device agents or plugins where a newer version is available for download
  • Up to date to only see device agents or plugins where the latest available version is already installed on the SOTI MobiControl database
  • Pending compatibility to only see device agents that have the latest version installed on the SOTI MobiControl database but whose compatibility has not been switched to only include the latest version. That is, devices currently running previous versions of the device agents are still deemed acceptable and won't be forced to update.

    Pending compatibility is not applicable for device plugins

Added Agents and Plugins Enter at least two characters of the name of the manufacturer whose device agents or plugins you want to see, then press Enter. Use this search field in combination with the Filter dropdown list to filter your results.
Add Click this icon to display the Device Agent and Plugin dialog box where you can select an agent or plugin to add to the SOTI MobiControl database (see Device Agent and Plugin Dialog Box).
Manufacturer The agent or plugin manufacturer.
Device Model The model of the device the agent or plugin is intended for.
Type Agent or plugin.
Local Ver. The currently deployed version of the agent or plugin.
Latest Ver. The latest available version of the agent or plugin. Click to download the latest version to your computer.

After making changes, follow the prompts to Save or Cancel them.