SOTI: Investing in India and Its People

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SOTI is a global company. Our international offices empower growth and foster innovation. This is especially true in India, where SOTI’s commitment to the country goes beyond standard business operations.

In tandem with its strategic employment practices, SOTI places a significant emphasis on investing in India, transcending financial contributions to become an active participant in shaping the nation's technological future. SOTI has proudly established three large offices in key locations across India: Gurugram, Kochi and Lucknow.


Image of the City of Gurugram


Image of the City of Kochi


Image of the City of Gurugram


Image of the City of Kochi



Building a Global Technology Hub in India with R&D

The company's commitment is reflected in its research and development initiatives, community engagement programs and a proactive involvement in national initiatives such as 'Make in India.' SOTI's investments extend beyond the immediate horizon, signifying a belief in India's potential as a global technology hub.

Furthermore, SOTI's commitment to investing in India manifests in its proactive engagement with the nation's growth story. As a participant in the 'Make in India' initiative, SOTI not only aligns itself with the vision of a self-reliant India but also contributes to job creation, skill development, and the overall economic development of the country. The 'Make in India' project, for SOTI, is not just a strategic move but a demonstration of its belief in the capabilities of the Indian workforce and a commitment to fostering innovation within the country.

Investing in State-of-the-Art Tech Support Infrastructure

The commitment to investing in India is also underscored by SOTI's investment in state-of-the-art tech support infrastructure tailored specifically for the Indian market. Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities present, SOTI ensures that its clients in India benefit from the greatest tech support infrastructure available, locally and responsively addressing their needs. This localized approach is a testament to SOTI's commitment to providing comprehensive and tailored solutions that resonate with the intricacies of the Indian business environment.

Image of employees celebrating Image of people on the Computer
Image of employees on the computer
Image of people on the Computer

Transforming Indian Business with the
SOTI ONE Platform

SOTI is shaping the future of business mobility in India with the SOTI ONE Platform, which makes mobile-first business operations simple, efficient and reliable:

  • SOTI MobiControl makes mobility management easy. It simplifies the security and management of multi-vendor, multi-form factor and multi-operating system devices.
  • SOTI XSight is a diagnostic intelligence and support solution that provides organizations with the tools needed to proactively fix mobile device problems faster.
  • SOTI Snap enables organizations to rapidly create mobile apps that digitize business processes and boost worker productivity.
  • SOTI Connect is an enterprise-grade management solution that provides an organization complete lifecycle management of its mobile and industrial printers.
  • SOTI Identity enables simple and secure access to the SOTI ONE Platform suite of solutions.
  • SOTI Pulse is an online community for SOTI partners, customers and product experts to collaborate with each other.

SOTI Believes in India

SOTI investing in India is more than a business strategy. It’s a profound belief in the potential, innovation and collaborative spirit thriving in the Indian market. We're proud to be here. We are committed to India's growth. And the journey is just getting started.