Using the SOTI Snap REST API

About this task

Integrate SOTI Snap into your enterprise mobility workflow or partner applications using our RESTful web service API. SOTI Snap provides an interactive environment for experimenting with the REST API.

To get to your interactive REST API environment:


  1. Log into your SOTI Snap console.
  2. In the address bar of the web browser, replace everything after with devapi/docs/help and go to the new web page.
    For example, change to


You have entered the interactive environment of the SOTI Snap REST API service. Detailed documentation on the available APIs is available directly within the API reference.

Warning: API calls sent from this page are executed against your SOTI Snap environment. Exercise extreme caution when executing each API call against a production environment.

The syntax for filtering expressions differs between GET /devices/search and GET /devices endpoints.