
The Wi-Fi spotlight provides a view of Wi-Fi characteristics on the device such as signal strength, app data usage, time on network and access point disconnects.

To navigate to the Wi-Fi spotlight page.

  1. Follow steps 1–5 in Device Spotlights Overview.
  2. In the Device Spotlight screen, select the Wi-Fi icon.

    Select the W-Fi spotlight button.

Wi-Fi Signal Strength

This chart categorizes Wi-Fi signal strength readings into different user-defined buckets, such as "Bad," "Average," and "Good." The chart segments the signal strength reading data, providing a visual representation of the proportion of readings that fall into each category.

Wi-Fi signal strength chart

Frequency Band

This chart maps Wi-Fi signal readings to different frequency bands (e.g., 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz).

Wi-Fi frequency band chart

Daily Average Wi-Fi Signal Strength

This chart displays the average Wi-Fi signal strength over time, measured in dBm. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days, hours), and the y-axis shows the average signal strength.

Wi-Fi daily average Wi-Fi signal strength chart

Wi-Fi Data Usage by Upload/Download

This chart shows Wi-Fi data usage broken down by upload and download. The chart segments total data usage into two categories, providing a visual of how data consumption is divided between uploading and downloading.

Wi-Fi data usage by upload download chart

App Data Usage on Wi-Fi

This chart visualizes which applications used the most data over Wi-Fi. Each segment represents a different application, with the size of the segment corresponding to the amount of data consumed.

Wi-Fi app data usage on Wi-Fi chart

Total Data Usage

This chart tracks Wi-Fi data usage over time, broken down by day and hour. The x-axis represents the timeline, while the y-axis shows the amount of data used.

Wi-Fi total data usage chart

Time on Metered/Unmetered Connections

This chart shows the average time devices spend per day on metered and unmetered connections. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days), and the y-axis shows the average time spent on each type of connection. Ignoring null values but including 0 and capping at 24 hours.

Wi-Fi time on metered unmetered connections chart

Time on Network (SSID)

This chart shows the most or least used Wi-Fi networks (SSIDs) by the number of devices over time. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days, hours), while the y-axis shows the number of devices connected to each SSID.

Wi-Fi time on network (SSID) chart

Time on Access Point (BSSID)

This chart shows the most or least used Wi-Fi access points (BSSIDs) by the number of devices over time. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days, hours), and the y-axis shows the number of devices connected to each access point.

Wi-Fi time on access point (BSSID) chart

Network (SSID) - Most Used

This chart shows the most or least used Wi-Fi networks (SSIDs) by the number of devices over time. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days, hours), while the y-axis shows the number of devices connected to each SSID.

Wi-Fi network (SSID) - most used chart

Access Points (BSSID) - Most Used

This chart shows the most or least used Wi-Fi access points (BSSIDs) by the number of devices. The x-axis represents different access points, while the y-axis shows the number of devices connected to each access point.

Wi-Fi access points (BSSID) most used chart

Access Points (BSSID)- Most Disconnects

This chart shows the Wi-Fi access points (BSSIDs) with the most or least number of device disconnections. The x-axis represents different access points, while the y-axis shows the number of disconnections.

Wi-Fi access points (BSSID) most disconnects chart

Number of Device Disconnects

This chart shows the number of device disconnects from the Wi-Fi network over time. The x-axis represents time (e.g., days, hours) and the y-axis represents the number of disconnects.

Wi-Fi number of device disconnects chart