Configuring Lockdown for Shared Devices

Device lockdown for shared devices replaces the standard device home screen with a customizable one that restricts access to only authorized applications and websites.

Note: Before configuring the lockdown feature for shared devices, you must complete all activities to establish Single Sign-on (SSO) with Microsoft Authenticator. See Single Sign-On (SSO) For Shared Devices Using Microsoft Authenticator.

Lockdown for shared devices using Microsoft Authenticator and Single Sign-on (SSO) requires two lockdown profiles:

  • Login profile—Create the login profile at the parent level of a device group. Its primary purpose is to give users a login button to invoke sign-on through the Microsoft Authenticator.
  • Working profile with logout—The working profile has the day-to-day apps specific to each child device group. It includes a logout button to exit the session. This profile is active once a user signs in under the login profile. The profile's apps include those requiring authentication from the Microsoft Authenticator to operate.

In the following image, My Company is the parent device group. The child device groups are Management Devices, Sales Devices, and Warehouse Devices.

Parent-child hierarchy of device groups