Capturing the Hardware ID and Resetting the Out-of-Box Experience

Before you begin

You must meet the requirements identified in Bulk Enrolling Windows Modern Devices using Autopilot and Azure Join.

About this task

In preparation for setting up Autopilot, you must obtain the device's hardware ID and reset the device to its purchased condition.


  1. On the device to enroll, open an elevated PowerShell terminal and run the following commands in order:
    Note: This only applies to devices not configured by the OEM or reseller.
    md c:\HWID
    Set-Location c:\HWID
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
    Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force
    $env:Path += ";C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts"
    Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutopilotHWID.csv
  2. When prompted to install the NuGet package, select [Y] Yes.
    When this installation finishes, a .csv file titled AutopilotHWID.csv appears on the C:\ drive.
  3. Copy the .csv file containing the hardware ID to a removable storage device for later use when setting up Autopilot registration.
  4. Reset the Windows Modern device to the default out-of-box experience. You can learn more here: Reset your PC.


You have collected your hardware ID and reset your Windows Modern device.

What to do next

Complete the steps in Configuring Company Branding and Bypassing Intune Auto-Enrollment in Azure AD.