Adding Android Plus Devices

Use the Android Plus platform to enroll and manage devices running Android 4.2 or later. To enroll a device in SOTI MobiControl, you need to create an Android device policy (which specifies enrollment settings) and add a device agent (which communicates with SOTI MobiControl) on the device.

All devices running Android are enrolled into SOTI MobiControl as Android Plus devices. Beneath this Android Plus umbrella are two groups: Android Classic and Android Enterprise.

Important: You can set your SOTI MobiControl console to reflect the types of Android devices you plan to manage. Learn more at Choosing an Android Deployment Type.

Android Classic

Android Classic enrollment embraces the variability of Android devices built by different manufacturers. Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can prioritize different features or implementations which leads to a broad range of functionality across devices. Rather than limit our management to a one-size fits all model, Android Classic enrollment provides customized feature sets for the different capabilities of different Android manufacturers.

Learn how to enroll your devices as Android Classic at Creating an Android Classic Device Policy.

Android Enterprise

Android Enterprise is a program directed by Google which standardizes device management regardless of who made the device. It establishes a set of baseline MDM features for all Android devices, which SOTI MobiControl uses to provide a straightforward management methodology. Additionally, Android Enterprise recognizes that no organization is the same and has built different deployment methods to accommodate more management strategies.

Learn how to enroll your devices as Android Classic at Creating an Android Enterprise Device Policy.

Learn more about Android Enterprise in SOTI MobiControl at Android Enterprise Devices.

Samsung Knox

Important: Samsung Knox 3.4 deprecated Knox Workspace containers. As such, SOTI MobiControl v15.0 and higher does not support the creation, modification, or deployment of Samsung Knox containers to devices. Suppose you have devices assigned a Samsung Knox container in a previous version of SOTI MobiControl, and you have since upgraded to SOTI MobiControl v15.0 or later. In that case, the Knox container remains on the device, but you cannot change or add device containers.

Learn more about how the Samsung Knox Workspace container deprecation may affect you at Samsung Knox Workspace Container Deprecation.

Tip: Consider migrating your Samsung Knox container devices to use Android Enterprise Managed Profiles, which offer similar containerization functionality.

Samsung Knox is a collection of security enhancements available on some Samsung devices. SOTI MobiControl supports Samsung Knox Mobile Enrollment, a bulk enrollment service, and Samsung Knox Workspace, a secure container that separates personal data from enterprise data.

See either Using Samsung Knox Mobile Enrollment or Samsung Knox Workspace for more information.

Note: Within the SOTI MobiControl console, Samsung KNOX generally refers to devices with the Samsung Knox Workspace container enabled.