Enabling Automatic Server Discovery

Before you begin

Contact your DNS administrator or provider for information on how to create the enterprise enrollment record.

About this task

You can simplify the enrollment process for Windows Modern devices by creating a DNS record that maps to your SOTI MobiControl server.

During the enrollment process, a Windows Modern device requests the user's email address. Automatic Discovery takes the domain portion of the email address, prepends the subdomain enterpriseenrollment, and then does a lookup to locate that server so it can attempt a connection. Creating a DNS record that maps back to your SOTI MobiControl server allows devices to automatically detect the server and connect.


Create a DNS entry for enterpriseenrollment.MyCompany.com.
If possible, use a CNAME record when creating the enterprise enrollment record. CNAME allows you to direct traffic to an A record, which would be your server's fully qualified domain name.
The Windows Modern device attempts a connection over SSL (HTTPS) on port 443. If the server certificate is not trusted by the device, the request fails over to a non-SSL (HTTP) connection on port 80.