XSight OAuth 2.0 Access Token


Type: POST

Request Headers:
 Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Body:

    "grant_type": "password",
    "username": $username,
    "password": $password,
    "client_id": $client_id,
    "client_secret": $client_secret

Replace the $username, $password, $client_id and $client_secret according to their corresponding key’s description.

Key descriptions:

Key Description
grant_type The grant type used to authenticate.
username Username for the account used to authenticate.
password Password for the account used to authenticate.
client_id API Client Id, this value is generated in Settings > Integration > API Clients.
client_secret API Secret Id, this value is generated in Settings > Integration > API Clients.

To generate the Client ID and Client Secret:

  1. From the main console menu, select Settings > Integration > API Clients. The API Clients panel displays.

    The API Client panel

  2. Select the Add API Client icon (red box above). The Add API Client panel displays.

    Enter a name and Redirect URL

  3. Enter a Name and Redirect URL and select the Generate Credentials button to generate the Client ID and Client Secret.

    Generate the Client ID and Client Secret

  4. Copy the generated Client ID and Client Secret.
    Note: You must copy the Client ID and Client Secret for future reference. Once you leave this page, you are not able to reference these values again.
  5. Select OK.

Response Headers:

Status Code: $status_code
Status Code Description
200 Success
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized

Response Body:

    "access_token": $access_token,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": $expiring,
    "scope": "create"

Key descriptions:

Key Description
access_token Token required for authentication when making API requests to SOTI XSight.
token_type Type of token returned by the API Request.
expires_in Length of time the token is valid for, in seconds.
scope Scope of the API Request.