Topic Data API
This API endpoint enables users to be able to retrieve standard and shared topic/event metadata or values from devices in real time
Type: POST
Authorization: Bearer $access_token
Replace $access_token according to it’s description:
Key descriptions:
Key | Description |
$access_token | OAuth 2.0 Access Token required to authenticate (see XSight OAuth 2.0 Access Token). |
Retrieving Topic Values
Request Body:
Format request as plaintext:
"SELECT $topicKeys FROM $deviceFilters WHERE $conditions"
as JSON:{
"query": "SELECT $topicKeys FROM $deviceFilters WHERE $conditions"
Replace variables in the Request Body with the following:
- One or more topics are required for the request to be valid.
Topic Type | Format |
Standard Topic |
Shared Topics/Events | $topicKey = <packageId>/<field
key> |
Standard Topic Key | Topic Id (tId) | Topic Name (msg) | Display Unit (dispUnit) | Description |
loclatlong | 0 | Lat/Long | Latitude and longitude of the device's location | |
cpu | 1 | CPU | % | Percentage of the device's CPU being used |
memused | 2 | Used Memory | % | Percentage of the device's memory being used |
speedkmh | 5 | Speed (km/h) | km/h | Speed of the device in kilometers per hour |
speedmph | 6 | Speed (mph) | mph | Speed of the device in miles per hour |
storused | 8 | Used Storage | % | Percentage of storage used on the device |
battlvl | 40 | Battery Level | % | Battery level of the device |
batthealth | 41 | Battery Health | % | Battery health of the device |
battchrgntchg | 42 | Battery Charge (Net Change) | %/h | Net percentage gain over the hour |
battchrgtotdrp | 43 | Battery Charge (Total Drop) | % | Total drop in charge over the last hour |
battchrgtotgn | 44 | Battery Charge (Total Gain) | % | Total gain in charge over the last hour |
battchrgevnt | 45 | Battery Charge Event | Event with Net, Drop and Gain fields | |
battcap | 46 | Battery Capacity | mAh | Current capacity of the battery |
appforg | 50 | Foreground App | Event capturing the change of app that is currently in the foreground | |
drpshrly | 60 | Hourly Drops | Number of device drops over the last hour | |
drpstot | 61 | Total Drops | Number of device drops over the last day | |
virscndt | 62 | Virus Scan (date) | Last date of Virus Scan by the SOTI MobiControl Agent | |
reboots | 63 | Device Reboots | Number of device reboots over the last hour | |
drpsevnt | 70 | Device Drop Event | Event capturing a device drop | |
netswtchs | 80 | Network Switches | Event capturing a change in a device's Wi-Fi or cellular connection | |
cellsig | 90 | Cell Signal | % | Current cellular signal strength given as a percentage |
cellnettyp | 91 | Cell Network Type | Current cellular network type | |
cellband | 92 | Cell Band | Current cellular band | |
cellsinr | 93 | Cell SINR | dB | Current cellular signal to-noise-ratio |
cellrsrp | 94 | Cell RSRP | dBm | Current reference signal received power |
cellrsrq | 95 | Cell RSRQ | dB | Current reference signal received quality |
wifisig | 110 | Wi-Fi Signal | % | Current Wi-Fi signal strength given as a percentage |
- CPU, Shared Topic from
with field key o2, Battery Level (%):cpu,,battlvl
- Shared Topic from
with field key inv, CPU, Battery,cpu,battlvl
- Shared Topics from
with field key inv & fuel, CPU, Battery,,cpu,battlvl
- Lat/Long, Cell Signal(%), Wi-Fi Signal (%), Cell Net Type, Cell
Device Attributes
- Format:
$deviceFilter = $deviceProperty $operator $argument
Device Attribute | Token ($deviceProperty) |
MobiControl Instance Name | mcName |
Device Path | dPath |
Device Id | dId |
Device Name | dName |
Device Group | dGrp |
Mnufacturer | mfg |
Model | model |
MAC Address | mac |
IP Address | ip |
OS Name | os |
Combining Filters
- Combine device filters using the AND.
$deviceFilter1 AND $deviceFilter2
Operator | Syntax |
Equals | $token = $str |
Not Equals | $token != $str |
Contains | $token CONTAINS $str |
Not Contains | $token !CONTAINS $str |
Starts With | $token STARTSWITH $str |
Not Starts With | $token !STARTSWITH $str |
Ends With | $token ENDSWITH $str |
Not Ends With | $token !ENDSWITH $str |
Include | $token IN $str |
Not Include | $token !IN $str |
dfg IN (‘Zebra’, ‘Honeywell’) AND dGrp CONTAINS ‘Cargo 001’
The only condition supported for now is relative time (relTime). Request must specify time range for which the values are gathered.
- Unit of measurement for <startTime> and <endTime>: seconds
$conditions Examples:
- Send all data collected exactly two minutes
- Send all data collected from two minutes ago until one minute
- Send the first data point that’s more than two minutes
Response Headers:
Status Code: $status_code
Status Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Response Body:
"devLst": [
"dId": "$deviceId",
"dName": "$deviceName",
"tLst": [{"tId": $tId, “vlist": [{"t": $t, "v": $v}]}]
The Response Body contains a list of devices that have responded to the API Request.
For each device, we provide the device Id dId
, device name
and a list of topics tLst
that were
requested. For each topic in the list of topics, we provide it's topic id
and the list of values vlist
. See the
table below for a description for each key:
Key | Description |
devLst | List of devices that matched the $deviceFilters and responded to the data request within the timeout. |
dId | Device Id. |
dName | Device Name. |
tLst | List of valid topics requested for in the Request Body in the $topicIdentifiers. |
tId | Topic Id for data corresponding to the topic list. |
vlist | List of time and value pairs for corresponding topic. |
t | Time when value v was collected. |
v | When the data returned is for a Shared Topic, this field contains
the value collected at the corresponding time
t . |
When the data returned is for a Shared Event, this field is a
JSON represented as a string. The JSON will contain name
Retrieving Topic Metadata
Request Body:
Format request as plaintext:
"SELECT $topicProperties FROM topics WHERE $topicConditions"
Or as JSON:
"query": "SELECT $topicProperties FROM topics WHERE $topicConditions"
Replace variables in the Request Body with the following:
- One or more topic properties are required for the request to be considered valid.
- Topic Name, Topic Name and Package
- Topic Name, Topic Name, Display Units and Package
The only condition supported for now is the Topic Id. Request must specify one or more Topic Ids for the request to be considered valid.
Operator | Format |
Equals | tId = $topidId |
Include | tId IN ($topicId, $topicId,…) |
$topicConditions Examples:
- Query for the CPU Standard Topic
tId = 1
- Query for the CPU, Used Memory and O2 (a shared topic)
tId IN (1,2, 5013)
Response Headers:
Status Code: $status_code
Status Code | Description |
200 | Success |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
Response Body:
"tLst": [
"tId": "$topicId",
"msg": "$msg",
The Response Body contains a list of topics (tLst) that data have been requested for. For each topic, we return the requested topic properties. Mapping of Property Keys to Description:
Property Key | Description |
tLst | List of topics that matched $tIdConditions from the Request Body. |
tId | Topic Id |
dTyp | Topic Data Type |
disp | Display type, is the topic displayable on the UI. |
eFlg | Error Flag |
fr | Frequency |
ranges | Mapping color |
pid | Package Id |
sc | Significant change |
key | Topic Key |
msg | Topic Name |
typ | Topic Type |
dispUnit | Unit of measurement for values collected for this topic |