Connecting the Source MS to a Migrated Microsoft SQL Server Database

Before you begin

This procedure requires that the Microsoft SQL Server has already been migrated. Although migration of the SQL databases is not a built-in feature of SOTI Connect, you can migrate them yourself.

Note: Ensure that all three databases (SotiConnectDeviceHistory, SotiConnectLoggingService, and SotiConnectManagementServer) are migrated to the same server. Do not rename them.

About this task

Use the following procedure to connect the source management service to a migrated Microsoft SQL Server Database.

Table 1. Abbreviations
Abbreviation Term
FS File store service
LS Logging service
MQTT MQ Telemetry Transport
MS Management service
PA Protocol adapter
REST Representational state transfer
SQL Refers to the structured query language database environment
VM Virtual machine
Table 2. Environment
Device System Detail
  • The system to migrate (source VM)
  • Contains: SQL, MS, LS, FS, REST PA, MQTT PA
  • Destination for the migration (target VM)
  • Contains: migrated SQL
  • Emulates devices
  • Holds the MQTT broker

The following diagram illustrates the initial setup of a typical SOTI Connect migration.

In this illustration, the SQL database is migrated to the target VM. Migr


  1. Run the SOTI Connect installer executable (SOTI Connect Installer.exe). The SOTI Connect Setup Wizard is displayed.
  2. Select Update existing installation. Click Next.
    Setup Wizard
  3. Click Next.
    Component selection
  4. Enter the server address where the source SOTI Connect instance is installed on the source VM. Click Next.
    Note: Do not use 'localhost' for FQDN\host names of an MS on a source VM. If you do this, you will not be able to install a failover MS instance on the target VM. The server address is also used to generate the HTTPS network certificate. The best practice is to enter names that 'external' connections can use.
    Server address
  5. Select the source of the root certificate to apply. You may choose to import from an available file or generate a new certificate. Enter the Certificate Password and click Next.
    Specify a communication certificate
  6. Select the server certificate for HTTPS communication.
    Note: If a non-SOTI Connect HTTPS certificate is defined, the certificate will not automatically bind to port 443. The final step in the MS migration will be to bind the port manually be bound manually (see Migrating a Management Service).

    Select a server certificate

  7. Enter the name of the migrated SQL Server (on the target VM). Enter the username and password, then click Next.
    Setup SQL Server
  8. Accept the EULA after the update. You may need to log off and on again.
    End user li


The environment will be configured as shown below.

Migration diagram