Automated Device Enrollment

Use the Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) page to manage ADE accounts in your SOTI MobiControl instance. For details, see Using Apple Automated Device Enrollment.

Accounts This section lists all ADE accounts configured in your SOTI MobiControl instance,ncluding the following columns:
  • Account - the name of the account. Select to open the account configuration in the Accounts dialog box for editing (see Accounts (Automated Device Enrollment)).
    Tip: To the left of the account name, an icon denotes the account status. Hover over to see the textual description of the status.
  • Organization - the name of the organization that owns this account.
  • MDM Server - the account's associated MDM server.
  • Default Policy - the default enrollment policy associated with the account.
  • Last Synchronized - the date when the account last synchronized with Apple Business Manager.
  • Expiry Date - the account's expiry date.
  • Delete - select to delete the account.
Account's context menu (vertical ellipsis icon) This menu offers the following options:
  • Edit - select to open the account configuration in the Accounts dialog box for editing (see Accounts (Automated Device Enrollment)).
  • Sync Devices - select to synchronize the account's devices with Apple Business Manager.
  • Assign Devices - select to assign the account's devices with a enrollment policy. You need at least one enrollment policy to assign a device. When you want to assign iOS devices to an enrollment policy, you have one of two methods:
    • Assign a device using its serial number.
    • Add many devices by importing from a .csv file containing the device's serial number and type.
    Restriction: You can only add valid serial numbers. For SOTI MobiControl to consider a serial number as Valid, it must satisfy both of these conditions:

    In SOTI MobiControl, once you have added your ADE account, SOTI MobiControl automatically retrieves assigned devices from ABM. These assigned devices are then populated and then classified as one of the following three states:

    • Empty: You have not assigned an enrollment policy to this device yet and Apple has not assigned it an ADE profile.
    • Assigned:You have assigned an enrollment policy to this device but Apple has not assigned an ADE profile yet. The device must be factory reset to receive the ADE profile.
    • Pushed: You have assigned an enrollment policy to this device and Apple has given it the ADE profile.
    You can further search and filter for existing assigned devices. You can also download a .csv file containing details on the assigned iOS devices.
  • Delete - select to delete the account.
  • Set Default Rule - select to open the Set Default Rule dialog where you can choose a new default enrollment policy for the account (see Set Default Rule).
  • Test - select to test the account status (Active vs Inactive).
Add (+) Select this icon to open the Accounts dialog box, where you can configure a new ADE account (see Accounts (Automated Device Enrollment)).