Uploading Files and Folders

About this task

You can upload files and folders to a remotely controlled device using File Manager. For details, see About File Manager. Files are uploaded "as is" while folders are downloaded as ZIP files.
Note: You can upload folders only to devices with the Agent version 14.5.1 or above.


To upload files or folders:
  1. Locate and select the destination folder for upload. For procedure, see Viewing Files and Folders.
  2. On the File Manager toolbar, click Upload to open the Upload dialog box.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Drag files and/or folders and drop them into the Upload File/Folder field.
    • Click the Browse File(s) or Browse Folder link in the Upload File/Folder field, then select file(s) or folder to upload.

      Note: The Browse File(s) option enables selection of files only (no folders). Multiple files can be selected with Ctrl-click or Shift-click. The Browse Folder option enables selection of a single folder only.


A success or failure message appears at the top of the page. You can see more details about the action's status in the Status Center dialog box. If you have attempted to upload a duplicate file, resolve the conflict by clicking Overwrite or Cancel. For details, see Viewing Action Statuses.