Managing Working Hours and Holidays

SOTI XSight uses work hours and holidays to accurately calculate the time spent on incident resolution and determines whether the incident resolution is in accordance with the relevant Service Level Agreement (SLA). For details, see Setting Up Service Level Agreements.

Use the Manage Working Hours dialog box to: Manage Working Hours

To view and customize your working hour and holiday definitions, select the Gear Icon icon.

Working Hour Definitions Tab

Working Hours This section lists all working hour definitions that exist in the system and has the following columns and controls:
  • Name - The name of the working hour definition. Select to open the Edit Working Hour Definition panel and edit the selected definition.
  • Schedule - A brief description of the definition's schedule.
  • Created - The definition creation date.
  • Updated - The last definition update date.
  • Delete - Delete the working hour definition. You must confirm this action in the message box that opens. The deleted definition is no longer available to link to the SLA priority levels. However, existing incidents linked to this definition keep their working hours.
Add Select the Add icon to open the Add Working Hour Definition panel where you can define a new working hour definition.
OK Select OK to save changes.

Adding/Editing Work Hour Definitions

The layout and functionality of Add Working Hour Definition and Edit Working Hour Definition panels are the same.

Name Enter or edit the definition name.
Days and Time This section lists work hour definitions for the days of the week and has the following columns and controls:
  • Day - Set the day(s) of the week.
    Note: Select the check-box to the left of the name to include the day in the definition. To include all days, select the check-box to the left of the column title.
  • Start Time - Set the start time of the working hours.
  • End Time - Set the end time of the working hours.
  • All Day - Toggle to make all 24 hours of the day working hours.
Exclude Holidays Toggle to exclude holidays from the work hours.
Save Select to save changes.
Cancel Select to discard changes.

Holidays Tab

Holidays This section lists all holidays defined in the system and has the following columns and controls:
  • Name - The holiday name. Select to open the Edit Company Holiday panel and edit definitions for the selected holiday.
  • Date - The holiday date.
  • Year - The holiday year.
  • Recurrence - Whether the holiday reoccurs each year.
  • Delete - Delete the holiday. Deleted holiday definitions are not applied to new incidents in the group. However, the existing incidents linked to this holiday keep their holiday definitions.
Add Select the Add icon to open the Add Company Holiday panel and add a new holiday.
OK Select to save changes.

Adding/Editing Company Holidays

The layout and functionality of the Add Company Holiday and Edit Company Holiday panels are the same.

Name Enter or edit the holiday name.
Date Enter or edit the holiday date.
Recurrence Toggle to make the holiday reoccur each year.
Save Select to save changes.
Cancel Select to discard changes.