Configuring Email, SMS, and Slack Messaging

About this task

To set up Messaging Configuration for your SOTI Connect environment:


  1. Navigate to Main Menu > Global Settings.
  2. In the left pane, choose Messaging Configurations.
  3. Select one of the following configuration options:
    • Email Configuration
    • SMS Configuration
    • Slack Configuration

Configuring Email

About this task

Use this section to enable and configure settings for email notifications sent by SOTI Connect rules to recipients.


  1. Turn on the Enable Email toggle.
  2. At a minimum, enter the Sender Email, SMTP Host, and SMTP Host Port information from your organization's email server.
  3. Complete the following fields as necessary:
    Sender Name Enter a sender name for the messages. The name is SOTI Connect by default, but you can enter a different name to help distinguish many installed instances of SOTI Connect.
    Use SSL Turn on the toggle to enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on outgoing email messages.
    Authentication Choose either Basic or Anonymous. If you select Basic, you need to enter the User Name and Password for the email account you are using.
    Email configuration settings
  4. Select Save.

Configuring SMS

Before you begin

SMS messaging requires you to set up Email Configuration first.

About this task

Use this section to enable and configure settings for SMS notifications sent by SOTI Connect rules to recipients.


  1. Turn on the Enable SMS toggle.
  2. Enter an SMS Limit Recipient Email address that receives a notification when you reach the daily limit of sent SMS messages.
  3. Select Save.

    SMS configuration settings

  4. Optional: Select Send a Test SMS if you want to test your configuration. Enter the Recipient's phone number and a Test Message to send, then select Send.

Configuring Slack

Before you begin

You need to set up a Slack application before you can configure the options described in this section. See Slack documentation for more information, including Basic app setup.

About this task

Use this section to enable and configure settings for Slack messaging notifications sent by SOTI Connect rules to users.


  1. Turn on the Enable Slack toggle.
  2. Enter an Authorization Token. For more information about how to generate a token, see Create and regenerate API tokens.
  3. Enter your Slack Server Address. This is usually your workspace name followed by the domain. For more information, see Locate your Slack URL.
  4. Optional: Turn on Enable Token Rotation for an extra layer of security by rotating the access token instead of using a token that never expires. For more information, see Token rotation.
    Note: Once you turn on the Enable Token Rotation toggle and save your Slack settings, token rotation is permanent. If you want to turn off token rotation you need to create a new Slack application.

    Enter your Slack applications Client ID and Client Secret. You can find this on the applications Basic Information page in the App Credentials section.

    Slack configuration settings

  5. Optional: Select Send Test Message if you want to test your configuration. Enter the recipient Channel name and Test Message to send, then select Send Test Message.
  6. Select Save.